Hi Everybody, my name's Jaelynne, but everybody calls me JJ, so feel free to call me that . I'm pretty short (If you're wondering about my username ) I love reading and writing, and though I'm young, I hope to have one of my stories published soon. I have an active imagination-I can spend hours and hours thinking about characters in story books, and having "talks" with them . (Don't worry- I'm not a hallucinator) In a sense, I do believe I'm "odd", but in my vocabulary, odd is the closest thing to normal! I don't believe you would be able to completely understand me if you talked to me just once. It takes a lifetime, believe me! I transferred to a new school this year, and the curriculum is much harder than the old one that I'm used to. So I had alot of catching up to do! I excelled in the reading and writing classes, but in others, like math, I had alot of trouble in . Fortunately, it's summer, so I have alot of free time to write! By the way, I'm new to posting things on forums, I can say this is my very, very first time. So if I'm doing anything wrong, feel free to correct me!
Hi Hope you enjoy the site! I've found the best way to get the most out of it is to read your way around, introduce yourself here as you've done - maybe join in a few of the Words Gmes and get yourself known. Find similar pieces to that which you write and offer some of your thoughts, all of this will encourage existing members to offer their thoughts on your work. Any questions PM me or any of those with coloured names - they should be able to help you out! See you around and Good Luck!
Well JJ welcome to the forum, it is good to have you here with all of us. I do hope you will have a most wonderful time here and I look forward to seeing you around the board. Take your time in looking around, there is plenty to see and feel free to join in anywhere at all. Any questions just ask! ~Tor
Welcome to the Writing Forums, JJ. I hope you find what you are looking for here. Meanwhile, a good way to start is to get to know people through the Lounge and Word Games forums, then explore some of the more writing oriented forums. Finally read some submissions and reviews in the Review Room forums, and you'll have a better idea what to expect from responses before you post your own work there to be dissected. Have fun!
Away for but 36 hours and so many newbs, welcome, hope you enjoy yourself, any questions let me know!