I actually plan to write four books (which I think is a bit too ambitious). I actually would love to hear advice from writers around the world in order to better myself at writing my first book since I'm not quite confident with the story, yet .-. To be honest, I'm not sure if having humans having powers by being infected by monsters is convincing... Basically, the first book introduces the main characters and the world before having those main characters "killed" at the start of book 2. Two of the three main characters survive and the other who "died" is replaced. The third book starts with the reader unaware that the MC is the third one that supposedly died before revealing the twist like in the middle of the story. The fourth book has all characters from book 2 and 3 meet and resolve the major conflict that was present throughout the series. The plot... well, I've yet to connect all the dots for the first book I'm actually starting to get into Haruki Murakami's novels (So far, I've read "A Wild Sheep Chase" and currently reading Book 2 of "1Q84"). I've also read the Throne of Glass series and a couple of books by Mitch Albom (Not a lot of books, eh?). I also love poetry, specifically free verse style. I hope I'll have a wonderful experience learning tips from you all!