Hey everyone, I am new. Very glad to be here and looking forward to talking about writing!!!! Nobody in my "real life" writes. I've been writing since I was a kid (used to write "chapter stories" that had 1-page chapters, when I was around 10 ... LOL ) and graduated with an English/writing degree about a year ago. Someday I'm going back for an MFA and I hope to teach creative writing at a college level eventually. I love to write just about anything although I'm better at some things than others. Not so great with poetry. Nothing big to speak of as far as publications, except for smaller literary mags including my school's yearly mag. I have a few books "in the works" but it is such a long and painful process!! Well ... that's about it. Oh and my name is Jacki. As you can see.
Hello, Jacki, and welcome, I too used to write one-page chapter stories - I think I was 7 or 8 at the time. Mine were truly terrible, though, and I think I discouraged myself for a long time. Eventually, I plan to teach also, but in college math and science. I am very glad to see others who are driven to enter what is a vital but often thankless profession. Anyway, welcome to the forum, and I hope you have plenty of inspiration and fun!
Hi there. Welcome to the board I hope you enjoy your stay with us. What literary magazines did you get published in? Cheers
I used to write one page stories too. I was made fun of by my classmates but remember, when you're good, you don't NEED those extra pages XD. Good luck on the book, it IS a really long process, I'm still PLANNING my novel. I only know like three of my friends write but a lot of them draw...heh. Welcome.
Hi and welcome to WF.org, I hope you have a great time here with all of us and I look forward to seeing you around the board. ~Torana
Welcome to the site I used to write sooo many stories when I was little, my mum used to go to the post office every saturday and whilst I was there with her i'd buy a new exercise book and fill it by the next week. Ended up with a series of about 50 books... Much more motivated back then... now I can barely finish a book.
oryte Jacki, nice to see a new face around here. i'm Heather and i look forward to reading some of your rowk Heather
Welcome! I`m new here too! Hope we can all be good friends! Sounds like you got a lot of talent and experience in writing! I look forward to reading some of your work! If you need anything let me know yeah? Hope to hear from you soon! (^_~) -WF