Hi everyone! I'm SmileToMakeYouSmileBack, and that is a long name so you can call me "Smile". I am a kid that LOVES to write! I can't wait to start posting things, but i'm a but worried i'll do something wrong... I like writing romance and tragic stuff (my friends think i am a bit crazy). But don't worry, all my stories end with happiness! I'm sorry if i have any spelling errors, i'm not too good with spelling. just one question. Just how long does a story have to be for it to fit under "novel"? Because i have one that is almost 8,000 words, and i don't think that is a short story.
Hey there First up, I've gotta say I love the user name.... anyways welcome, and I'll see you around. As for your question, I think 8,000 words could be classed as a lo ng short story, although I could (and often am) wrong....
Welcome to WF Smilie. It's okay, we're all pretty much docile here to notice. Ah I see, giving it to us with both barrels eh? I like it! There are many differing opinions. I don't know this for a fact but some have quoted at least 40,000 words and others have quoted 80,000 and even 100,000 words. You might have to do some research on this. 8000 words is most definitely a short story though.
Welcome, Smile! I love your name as well. Do not overly concern yourself with errors as that's why a lot of us are here, to have help noticing and correcting errors in our writing. Do not be bashful as we'd love to read your works and get your thoughts on our own. Welcome!
Sorry for the late welcome smile, but better late then never hey. Welcome to WF and I hope you enjoy your stay. chat ya lata
Hi smile! I hope you understand that most people here are very supportive and help you quite well... a few spelling errors should never stop you from posting Welcome!!!!!