Well, hello to you all. I'm new here and fairly new to the whole forum thing, so please play nice with me I enjoy writing a great deal, to the point where my dream job is that of an author. I hope that I can enjoy my time here and maybe make some new friends. I'll be more exciting later, when I've got some sleep and some sugar
Hello, and welcome to our forum. Misc. Information: In the 'General Writing' section, there are some helpful links in a stickied thread. Though I just gave the link right there. When you post a thread, you have to reformat your paragraphs. Also, before posting in 'The Review Room' section, you need at least 2 credits. This equates to reviewing two works (more people get reviews, less people just coming and going). There is a contest that needs voting on, so go have a look at all of that. We also have smaller, weekly contests for short stories and poetry as well. adamant
Just out of curiosity; when reading the rules, I noticed that we are not allowed to submit "graphic descriptions of rape or incest". What counts as "graphic"? I wrote a short story about rape that does not describe the actual occurrence. Is that "graphic"?
If it doesn't even describe the sexual act, I sincerely doubt that it will be considered too graphic. That being said, it wouldn't hurt to include a disclaimer about the material. EDIT: Because most people don't find out about these until later... to the bottom left of every one of your posts is a green light, a balance, and a sign that resembles 'yield'. The first icon just means you're logged on the. The second is used to give people reputation points (the more posts, the more effective it is -- junior members can't affect anyone). The third reports a post to the admins/moderators. Use the final to prevent problems in the forum.
Welcome to the Writing Forums! I hope you enjoy your stay. Adamant, as usual, has told you the basics but if there remains any need for help please PM anyone online or one of the mods.