As I sit here patiently waiting out the end of my hiccupping, I was wondering what are all your remidies for getting rid of hiccups??? And what about embaressing stories of your hiccups? I know that It was embaressing to work at a fast food joint and work the drive-thu while having hiccups!
I hiccup really loud and if I don't I jump... so all my hiccups are embarrassing.xD Suck on a sppon. ^^ Or drink water from the other side of the glass. Hold your breath. Shout Pineapple really loudly.
Well I recently had the hiccups for 3 days, I usually get them for around that length of time, but the worst would have to be when I was with a really sweet guy at the begining of the year and I was making my daughter a bottle to try and get her back to sleep and I had the hiccups and I was jumping everytime and when i turned around he scared me to get rid of the hiccups and ended up with baby formula all over him and I never got rid of the hiccups either....but he never tried to get rid of them after that lol Try standing on your head DOZ apparently it works lol
Rub your forehead above the eyes. There are some muscles there that if you relax them will sometimes stop hiccuping. I saw it on a medical show, but it never worked for me.
yeah but was painful too, ever been in a laighing and hiccuping fit at the same hurt lol and Domoviye I have never heard of that one before, but one thing that did cure my hiccups once was falling off the back of a ute into a big pile of mud so you could try that DOZ, although it does tend to hurt lol
To get rid of hiccups you are meant to alter your breathing in a certain way so that your diaphragm stops spasming. That's why being scared works, because you usually gasp. Same as saying pineapple because the sylllables make you breathe out harshly. I think.
Domoviye, I will try that next time lol Alice that actually makes a lot of sense. Someone (my father) once told me that if you burp it will get rid of them lol
Tor, your father also taught you that if you put a lighter in front of your mutt while you farted it would create a flame...!!! And as for falling off the back of a ute... you'de like that, wouldn't you!
A ute is a utility truck.. like a pick-up truck. Cab infront (Like the front part of a car) and a tray on the back. Very handy for farmers and for the sporty kinds of ute's very loud and showoffy for the guys!
LOL I did love was so much fun hey, got so many laughs and yeah I was a little drunk at the time lol....DOZ you know me too well and as for my father, well....yes hmmmmm... I am going to have to killl you now know too much mwahahahahahahahaa (jokes)
Yeah sure why not. Just don't make it anything too strenuos though, it's my month off and I am in a lazy mood tonight....
Maybe death by hiccups??? But I may be a spy for ASIO, staking out other threads to look for the cookie thief...(hmm, are we allowed to cross over threads?) My hiccups tend to go away on their own but I just don't notice it for ages! Maybe I'm just a tad too impatient!