Hello all! I am working on the most climactic point of my novel and I'm debating how to do this. The primary antagonist transforms into a much more disgusting creature. The question is... How do I spell these things? I assumed the letter 'S' could just be prolonged but it doesn't look exactly right to me. Could y'all take a look at this and give me spelling suggestions? Thanks alot! It's skeletal right now. I'm going to intensify language blahblah in editing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “As you ssssaid, Agent,” the manbeast hissed, “I love power and legaccccy. I am the creator of your world: Caesar, Ramses, Thutmose, Qin Shihuang, and now Jean Bernier. It was I who created the legacies of the humaan raccccce.”
You could also just go into detail about how it sounded, without actually modifying the words; sometimes accents annoy the reader. Every 's' slowly rolled off the Manbeast's forked tongue as air slipping out of a tire. The way Manbeast prolonged his 's' consonants was nothing short of stereotypical for a talking snake. Joe decided now was not a good time to mention it.