Well I realise that not all of our members are student age so rather than ask how you're spending your holidays, I thought summer was the better option. Having finished school on Friday, I will be starting my new job on Monday and working most of my summer away lol. No holidays booked this year unfortunately but I do hope to spend some quality time with my friends when they're back from their holidays. Oh and I hope to get some of my mountains of homework done by their respective deadlines too lol. Whoever suggested that teachers could set homework to be done in the summer and emailed to school needs shooting. lol
Work! I have an extended essay to write (4000 words), History coursework to redraft (2000 words), English coursework (1500 words), and a Theory of Knowledge essay (1500 words). Aside from that, I'm doing a horror spoof film with my mates, going to Poole for a week, and having a birthday. So a busy holiday alright Definitely!
my summer goes along the lines of friends, my boyfriend, going to see films, going swimming and ice-skating, getting wrecked, sleeping, eating and drinking. and that's about it lol, pretty boring.
hahaa, sounds fun!! we should just share sh**ty holiday stories with each other for a living actually, when you don;t got on holiday during the six weeks it really drags. and i aint going on holiday
There is a very good chance that I'm going to Jammu & Kashmir (state) in India in a couple of weeks, more specifically, Jammu. Also I might go visit Nepal at the end of the summer or early fall. This will largely depend on my budget ...
Work 3 days a week (yay 7:30 - 3:30..), and who knows what on off days. I do have my Grade Two Theory Rudiments Exam to take in August though, which I am definitely not looking forward to..
Everyday until the exam day feels anxious ... And then, shortly after the exam, there is this great celebration ...
summer?? lol. I have been working so long that the summer is just more normal work. We might go away on a few short extended weekend trips.
i don't do summer... or holidays or weekends or days off... so, it'll just be more of the same... besides, here on my tropical island, it's always summer!
Not really. When the rains began to fall on Friday morning, Maidenhead was apparently quite flooded, but most of it has drained away. Still, there is more to come, and apparently Oxford took a beating yesterday and today. It's getting closer... How about you?
There's no flooding in my immediate area lol closest is probably sheffield. Most we've had here is like an inch on the roads but that cleared up as soon as it stopped raining.
Ah, it's been a little worse here. A tunnel was flooded, and great tracts of roads were closed. All is fine now. Well, for now, at least.
There was some quite bad flooding near us last time like fifteen/twenty minutes away, but we never got any...
*hopes* Neways i'm off to bed now... its midnight and I start my new job at 9 lol. *Whisper: Wish me luck!* lol..
I've been sick with one thing after the other since New Year's, as in graduating High School was a journey unto itself. But now that I'm in the middle of summer and still not feeling 100% yet, I'm in the same boat with some of you - not doing much. If I do too much, I get worn out and have relapses. But when I do get enough energy, I play jazz gigs around where I live in Vermont, USA. I play with a group that's going to be recorded on Vermont's largest radio station professionally...too bad we all go to college later that month... So in short, my summer = practicing bass for hours, reading through interesting books, listening to music, composing music, gigging, chilling out trying to fully recover, and sleeping!!!
I'm not too crazy about summer, but I'd definitely would like to spend a couple of months or much longer in an island in the middle of Pacific ...
Customer Service Assistant... lol should be fun because I really have no patience for people that call shouting down the phone That and I just hate phones in general *shudders* They're scary! Lol... i'll be working in the technical support department of a company that sells some software and aside from taking calls from people that need help, i'll be bug testing the new version of the software that's due for release later this year and then after that i'll be transferring data from their old database to the new one because the import data function is incompatible and i'll be doing some translation work because they figured out from my CV that i'm not half bad at speaking French/Spanish. Sound fun yet? lol...