My socially awkward protagonist has anxiety issues and mental problems. He doesn't talk to anyone except his best friend James. I need him to agree to get pizza with a girl who just humiliated him in front of the whole class. Remember he has mental issues and social anxiety. He doesn't go anywhere with anyone. This would be a turning point in the story where he starts to change.. 2nd chapter
Have his best friend James say that he will accompany him, but when they get there, James leaves to go to the bathroom and your Protag is too socially awkward to leave.
Is she like his romance interest? If she is then her using pizza as a way to apologize would make it easy for him to come along. "Hey, I'm sorry about that stuff I pulled earlier. Wanna get a slice?" "U-uh, I dunno..." "Look, I feel really bad. It was a spur of the moment thing, ya know? Let me get you some pizza, we'll call it even, ok?"