I know of the "spoiler: show/hide" function but I have no idea how to create it in my posts? I see no button to press in the tool bars and I don't know the HTML code for it. Does anyone know?
Yes! It isn't hard... you just type, [noparse] Spoiler whatever you want to hide [/noparse] I have that wrapped in [Noparse][noparse][/noparse][/noparse] tags to keep it from actually making the spoiler box. Without the no parse tags, it looks like Spoiler Tadaa! Hope that helps!
Just Spoiler hide it between spoiler tags. That is, preface the text to be hidden with *spoiler* and end it with */spoiler*. (Change the asterisks to square brackets.)
Spoiler Like this? [noparse] Spoiler and just experimenting as to what noparse's meant to be [/noparse] So what's the point of noparse again, if it cancels out the spoiler code? Btw thanks Phoenix and Minstrel
No problem! And yeah, noparse cancels out any html code that goes within it. So, like, if you put noparse around an Italics or bold tag, it wouldn't work. I think the point is so that you can write out the code for demonstration without it actually activating.
The point of [NOPARSE][NOPARSE][/NOPARSE][/NOPARSE] is twofold: It's great for showing members how to accomplish tasks like the one you asked about. It's also good for preventing URLs and email addresses from being automatically converted to links.
Technically, tags and the like aren't HTML. They are called BBCode or Bv, and are used on message boards to replace HTML formatting.
("...the trouble is that different servers causes differences between which bbs code work and which won't..." mentioned the goblin, adding "...but is a linked list then, enjoy...") http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Basic_Bulletin_Board_Codes
Can someone please tell me how I can create a thread so I can post my stories in the short story section. I never ran into this kind of problem in a forum before.
Please read the rules. You have to a) be a member for fourteen days; b) have twenty or more posts; and especially c) give two constructive critiques to other members' work in the Writing Workshop. It really isn't hard to do. Spend a bit of time here, read through some threads, read some critiques, and we'll see you in the Writing Workshop before you know it.