I am having a writer's block at the end of my second War Beast short story. After rescuing a bat girl named Vanya, Jaden and his friends return her to her home. After spending a day to rest, Jaden and his party began to leave, however, Vanya shows up and said her father will allow her to join their clan for her to be safe. Plus she has a crush on Jaden although he is a half wolf half cheetah. One of his friends, Vixena, doesn't want Vanya to come because she doesn't like watching Jaden and Vanya make out. Vixena is a very stubborn fox girl who always try to win her way. And Jaden just want Vanya to come because he likes her. How can Jaden negotiate Vixena to let Vanya come?
I'd say that this isn't about how *characters* negotiate, but about how people negotiate. If you want something, how do you negotiate?
At first I thought Vanya was a guy 'cause usually it's short for Ivan... Okay, so if Vixena is truly Jaden's friend, she'd put his happiness before her selfishness. Also, the lovers can make out elsewhere, they don't have to do it in front of Vixena, or Vixena doesn't have to butt in every time the couple's coupling. If Jaden has romantic feelings for Vanya, he'd probably put her before a friend anyway, screw it what Vixena thinks. He could also ask Vixena what's the deal. If she says the only reason she doesn't want Vanya around is because she's always making out with Jaden, well, that's just stupid and she's being childish and should just grow up, get herself a man (or a woman, depending on her orientation), and get over it. If Vanya is joining their clan to be safe, and Vixena is willing to gamble with the girl's life just 'cause she doesn't like to look at her make out with her friend, well, I'd say she's got some serious problems. If she's being a dick 'cause she has feeling for Jaden, she should just come out and say it or else you'll just have a bitch-fest in your hands and, I don't know, it's usually not an interesting read more than it's annoying. Maybe make Jaden reason with Vixena? It's for you to decide whether she'd listen to the voice of reason or not. He can also blackmail or bribe her, but using such measures is not really a part of a healthy friendship...
Thanks. I decided that Jaden tickles Vixena in order to make her change her mind. Isn't abuse, just a prank he sometimes does to her for fun. It is also suppose to be a humorous ending.