(even moreso when it's someone doing something that has little relation to your own interests and abilities) how inspired do you get? and does it last? ... i thought of this after watching randy pausch's last lecture, given september 18, 2007. he died yesterday at age 47. he was a popular comp-sci professor at carnegie mellon known for creating courses that drew a cross-section of students from other disciplines. here's the lecture: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo
i have 2 friends. one of them is doing music and the other is doing games design. whenever i see these guys working i am just in awe at their dedication and no matter how hard it may seem for them the challenge seems to make them happy. although for me this is always a powerful inspiration i never lasts more than a day for me then i go back to the old me
It took me a while to understand what you meant by this question, lol. Blonde moment. My friend likes to sing and dance, and having heard her sing properlly for the first time the other week, I was surprised ta how good she actually was. She doesn't tell many people that she enjoys doing it, but recently applied to join this theatre school where she is going for an interview soon. It is really great to see her going for what she wants to do, and it has ancouraged me to look up getting piano lessons, something which I have wanted to do for years.
It can go either way. Sometimes I'll get very excited, and want to start doing whatever it is that they are doing myself. Other times I'll get very discouraged, because I could never be as good as them. Wait, what am I saying? Bad me! Bad, bad, me! Don't be so selfish.
I know what you mean CDRW, I feel the same sometimes. I have a friend who is fantastic at writing, she actually joined this site, although hasn't posted anything but a blog of yet. Although I am glad for her, putting herself out there and doing what she enjoys, which is apparently writing, I am slighlty jelous as she makes my writing look like an infants.
Well, if someone seems very dedicated to what they're interested in, despite the disinterest of others around them, then I tend to envy their ability to keep going at it. And people who are prolific at things (produce a lot of material or do a lot of tasks), I envy them also. Other than that though, I don't much get interested or inspired by other people doing things they love unless it's along my lines. Like, a bunch of guys who love playing sports, doing so, I would be bored to death.
not at all, since i'm already doing what i love and have been, for over a quarter century... before then, i was too busy having and raising 7 kids to even have the energy it takes to 'be inspired'! ;-)
I watched the whole lecture, I thought it was moving when he broke down a bit when he said do something worth while like education. I get inspired by other people a lot.