  1. Medazza

    Medazza Active Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Withdrawing submissions?

    Discussion in 'Traditional Publishing' started by Medazza, Oct 8, 2019.

    So, long term lurker here. Finished my sci fi WIP and sent it to about 6 agents. I’m UK based and the pool of them here isn’t huge.
    I’ve had a couple of rejections but amazingly got a request for a full MS. That then came with the nicest rejection. A summary of structure changes, what didn’t work and a couple of writing tics that I need to straighten out.
    So all encouraging.

    I think the suggestions are all valid. So I’ll do them and resubmit to the agent because he asked me too.

    Do I withdraw my submissions from the other agents advising them I’ve had positive agent feedback and then submit again when I’ve fixed it up?
  2. Cephus

    Cephus Contributor Contributor

    Jan 3, 2014
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    No. If they haven't told you that they're interested, assume they're not. You're not beholden to anyone until you actually sign with them.
    Medazza likes this.
  3. deadrats

    deadrats Contributor Contributor

    Jul 7, 2016
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    Don't mention other agents to an agent UNLESS you have an offer.

    If an agent asked you to make changes and resubmit, do that. But, personally, I would let the other submissions stand as is. Make the changes for the agent who wants to see it again, but I wouldn't withdraw other submissions.
    EFMingo and Medazza like this.
  4. Medazza

    Medazza Active Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Ok thanks, that’s probably right. I’m just worried I’m going to get rejections I could avoid if that makes sense.

    I guess until I get the new version done I should just plough ahead. If I get a bite for a full MS I can explain then I have 2 versions!
    deadrats likes this.

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