I'm busy writing a short novel that includes the invasion of Taiwan (and other countries) by China and possibly North Korea (yes like a single faction). Now I need some ideas as to how the invasions could have been avoided completely. I'm open for any scale or means of this happening, be it political, diplomatic, threats, whatever BUT this must lead to (more or less) complete world order. This means the faction should be put off by any possible future invasion. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. [The novel is of course a fictional scenario and I do not mean to offend anyone living in the countries I mentioned]
Well whats the reason for them wanting to invade? If they can satisfy the dispute that is causing the invasion then they would have no reason to. For instance, Taiwan agrees to join their "faction", nullifying the need to invade them.
It's not actually me who invented these conditions. Since 1949, when Nationalist forces retreated to Taiwan following the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, Beijing has regarded the island as a renegade province of the People's Republic of China...
Are China in meaningful, martial alliance with N Korea? Are they currently invading Taiwan? You have added ingredients. What are they? Take them out.
Okay after some consideration , I will take out all other countries in this 'faction'. Only China will invade Taiwan.
You mentioned a global takeover/NWO as the end result? If so, wouldn't the new NWO government step in and "fix" things between China and Taiwan (cease the anger-igniting things the old government did), therefore removing the motivation to start war?
Um - it's sorta, kinda already been done. First the caveat - I'm going from years old memory, so i stand to be corrected. The USA had a policy of drawing back from Korea and Taiwan in the late 40s. Taiwan, in particular, was considered a lost cause. Chiang Kai-shek had completely lost the mainland and had retreated to Taiwan, awaiting the coming invasion. Then Korea happened. China, meanwhile, had been ready to invade Taiwan. President Truman ordered the American 7th Fleet into the Taiwan Strait, lest the US lose influence in both Taiwan and Korea. Mao canceled the planned invasion. Thus, the invasion of Taiwan, set for mid 1950, was "avoided completely". Of course, the Chinese army was then moved to the Korean border and we all know what resulted. -Frank
Although I'm not religious, I enjoy reading about religion because it is part of human reality, and I need to know about it. Also, I enjoy philosophy for ideas about living. I got a lot out of Zen Buddhism and Taoism. It's thought that many of the idea from Christianity actually come the above philosophies. A main feature of Buddhism is the Buddha's idea that much of what we believe is "real" is an illusion created by people. These illusions are designed to trap people in a variety of ways. Like So: 1. Money is not real. When some rich person says, "We can't afford to fix the city, build a new hospital, etc," they are lying or deluded. 2. Races aren't real. There are breeds of humans but no real races. People who live in the mud in the Amazon aren't different than people in Paris, except in the details. 3. Since number 2 is true, then that means "Countries" are an illusion likely designed to create tension in the people thus providing power to the rich. 4. Ecomonics are an illusion. There is no economic system that actually works to provide a prosperous living for everyone. That's why so called capitialist countries need to install socialist elements to prevent explosion. Capitalism has had the chance since the dawn of time to get it together and it has not. Meanwhile, there has NEVER been an attempt at communism (I can explain that it desired). ...and that's just the short list. To have world peace we would need to reject all of the above ideas, and get to the business of living. I think with the spread of English as a world language, the loss of religious strength, and the internet we're moving toward this slowly. Once people see that most humans have exactly the same type of general interests it will be difficult to deny the needs and wants of others. In homogeneous societies, like in Nordic regions, there's little violence and many social institutions, free college, etc because the people theoretically LIKE EACH OTHER because they're much the same. So, the poor guy is like seeing your brother poor and you can't and won't stand for it. When this attitude transcends looks and minor cultural details, humanity will reject the idea "there's no money", no boarder crossing, and so on. Something like that is going to take an evolution of thought, or many another holocaust type situation that quickly shocks people and disgusts them.
In Great Britain they stopped slavery because of a patient man who bid his time in trying to figure out a non-war way to stop it. Instead of a Civil War (like in America) Great Britain was able to stop slavery because of a law that slipped under the noses of everyone that wanted to keep it. A law hidden in how flags were displayed on in coming ships. It stopped slavery without a single blood dropped. Of course pride was lost, but to me it's one of the more noble political moves in history. You could have Chinese politicians that find this invasion to be against their best interest and stop it from within. I don't know how, but you seem to understand their inner workings more than I do. History repeats itself...constantly.
William Wilberforce was a very amazing guy and solved more than slavery he also started the interest in animal rights and must have been a very caring person. I admire him greatly. The crazy thing is that we in the US don't learn anything about him and I knew nothing until I saw the movie Amazing Grace, which I loved. That's worth seeing and he's interesting to read about as well. Interesting, he stopped slavery in the UK based on what what I talked about in my previous post. The justification of slavery were entirely "mental" in that it was based on a variety of ideas on what slaves were (talking animals), mythological justifications from religious texts, and capitalism gone wild. When those justifications were counted, they stopped being believed, and it was over. In my view, everything that has caused wars in the modern era are illusions and if you break them, there is no war. A great example is the "USA" versus the "USSR" which scared the hell out of my generation with the constant fear of nuclear war and communists being painted as some kind of automatons, and then it's over because everyone basically got tired of it! What madness.
Thanks for the input guys. I'll try to develop a scenario now. Going to be complicated as hell I sense.
It seems your goal is to create world peace (world order), then safeguarding that concept of peace. The first would be difficult to say the least but the latter (for me anyways) would be the most difficult (how is peace – once established – maintained?) To accomplish world peace there could be a unifying cause (for example in many alien movies – the world comes together to fight off the alien invasion) but that’s been done. And it goes without saying that determent policies seem to work (but is that really peace?) So how about some other unifying cause, something that binds humans together while holding the single individual accountable to the whole of humanity? I think it would be interesting if you could somehow remove malice from the human condition. Sure, you could come up with some way to remove all the weapons of the world, disarmament of some sort – but people would still fight with sticks and stones. So, I think, the real question is how you remove malice or the seven sins: Lust, Envy, Greed, Rage, Gluttony, Sloth, and Pride - - if you could somehow remove those from the human condition then I think you could have world peace and maintain it.
I think the comic Watchmen had a clever take on the alien invasion theme. Spoiler!!!!!!! They faked an alien invasion. That was a clever idea, but I don't know how you could put your own twist on it, and I don't think you should. Human Aggression: I don't think we'll ever get rid of that because at times it's good. For instance, getting furious about people dying from a disease, crappy conditions, etc gets things done. However, I believe that we can continue to eliminate irrational ideas. When I was a kid people where I grew up didn't like each other because of ethnicity. I'm talking about European countries here with the much the same customs, not people with extremely different cultures. Now, it seems to me that most of that is gone and many people actually like learning about others. In the US, there's very little serious religious conflict, and that's how the founding fathers (who learned it from Voltaire) wanted it to be. There's still religious and ethinic problems, but head aren't rolling from it in North America and most of Europe. In some countries it still happens, and that's proof that classic human problems can be greatly reduced based on nothing more than the spread of ideas. Thus, I must assume that economic crisis, religious wars, political theory wars, and so on can be NEARLY eliminated through strategic ideas. If you can write a book about all of that, you may need a bodyguard.
Hi Allegro, Question, how do I get to chapter 1 of your on-line book? And your post above gave me an idea that I'm mulling around...If I can solidify a basic outline, I'll post it... Thanks
I'm using Wordpress and it's annoying me on many levels, or I don't know how to use it on many levels! But anyway, I'm thinking about just making a new page for it instead of posts. In the meantime: on the left you will see "Categories" and "A Game of Strife" is the name of the story. Click on that, and then it will take you to the chapters. Here's the link if you don't want to go through that: http://davidgorko.com/?p=44
If its china i would go for diplomatic as well as threats. Have the chinese do some military practices, maybe detonate a test nuke or 2, and threaten to sanction them. Or China could set up a puppet government, organize some riots and what not but stay completely out of a war. If China were to throw its full support behind any one candidate or faction im fairly certain they would win unless the states or someone interfered
I love that idea as well. Perhaps those politicians could even be operatives planted by other countries. Another way to stop the invasion is simply to have "Mother Nature" stop them. A great, unknown disease could ravage the army as it was on the brink of invading. Or something is wrong with the population (Ie: "Children of Men" -- suddenly, the population isn't having a lot of successful births... Kinda a twist to China's suffocatingly huge population). Just a few thoughts!