I want to be able to put lights in my Steampunk era car, however I don't think pushing a button would fit the style. If you were to light a match inside the car and put it into a small tunnel inside the car, the flame would need to travel down the tube and then be exagerated with mirrors and glass. But what could it travel down? Somthing flamable, but safe. Would wood work? And would the tube being made of steel work, or would it melt?
I don't know if this would work in your story but you might do some research into electric arc lamps invented in the early 1800's. About dot com has a Timeline of Invention and Technology that might help you find other ideas. Hope this helps.
Have a look at acetylene lamps ( carbide lamps) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbide_lamp They can be controlled with a simple water valve. Depending on your steampunk world, these are probably a good choice and fit the era. The valve could be connected by a long rod to where the operator would sit.