Is anyone else sick with a cold/allergies acting up? Because I am. And it's making me cranky to be out of my comfort zone. Hope you're feeling better than I am. Enjoy. Peace. All that good stuff.
I have a cold and a sore throat, which my loving boyfriend passed on to me. =/ I feel like rubbish and I have a novel to finish. OH, fabulous.
Slowly getting over the cold that took hold after I got a really bad case of the flu two days ago. I'll be all right.
My "seasonal allergies" are year round, and currently they are peaking due to a stretch of rain followed by a heat wave. Because it IS year round, I've learned to keep going through it. But not to enjoy it or even ignore it.
Cogito I think you should enjoy it. Love it. Snuggle up to it and cuddle with it by the fire. I have never formally checked if I have allergies/hay fever, but I do periodically get the whole nonstop runny nose problem, which blows. (hee hee.) It really does though. I had it for a good couple of days there, usually its to a degree that I don't really notice it or care, but it was really noticeably annoying the last little while. I've been great today though, luckily. ps- sorry you feel like crap.
I have allergies all the time too. The weather here is pretty crazy. One day it is completely hot, the other very cold, and every time the temperature changes, my nose starts running and itchinh and ughhh... it is awful...
I always get sick this time of year. I really don't understand why to be honest. I used to think that it was from the first few weeks of starting college again, but its persisted past when I graduated a couple years ago. And I think its getting to me again. Boo...
Oh, Indiana. I think it's just something about our state that makes people go insane this time of year, especially when it decides to jump from 90 to 20 degrees over the course of a week. xx I dont have allergies but try having dysfunctioning turbinates. If I went on, that might be considered TMI, so I'll just leave it at that. But it's mega painful, year round, and puts me in great discomfort. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because I've stopped breathing properly. My doctor has suggested surgery, but since it's elective, I've declined. Cant afford that. I wish I could behead myself and take someone else's eyes (involuntary double, blurred, and poor vision), ears (scarred and damaged tympanic membrane, trauma to the middle and inner ear), and nose (dysfunctioning turbinates).
Ah, yes. Gotta love our great state. Anyhoo, I feel a little better. My nose is better, but my eyes are dry again :/ and my throat has a tickle. Is it possible for a cough to sound... good? Because I've yet to encounter a cough that doesn't make me cringe. The strange thing is, the cold medication I took this morning made me care about absolutely nothing but Art class. Oh, and Thirty Seconds to Mars. But no amount of meds can make me not care about them This wouldn't be so bad, but it's a three day weekend.