I feel useless and STUCK My current project: At 13 174 words, or 32 single-spaced pages in Courier 12, I've just lost the easy flow of words. That's about 1/6th of a short novel and there is so much that needs to be written about but its just not happening, my thoughts are everywhere. What do you do when you need to get yourself to focus? When your work seems 'all over the place', how do you organize it?
i know how you feel. this happened to me a few weeks ago. what i do though is get a peice of paper and write all the possible ways the next chapter can go and choose a way. dont write it down to discriptive leave that flow for your actual novle
Right now I'm trying something simular, but the problem is that nothing I come up with has a psychological link to the rest of the story. Everything either seems pointless for the enemy to do, how a situation is resolved winds up being a Deus Ex Machina.
Wine and a clove cigarette outside at night looking at the stars.. wine and an occasional clove inspires me hehe If u are underage i didnt say that though
Try working backwards. That has always helped me. Sit down and go back to the plot and brainstorm it from there. One other thing that may help is set it aside and do some freewriting that has nothing to do with your project. Then you can be fresh when you go back to your project.