Do you have a plot, or only a storyline? If you aren't sure what the difference is, please read What is Plot Creation and Development?. If what you have is a storyline, try constructing plots to move the story forward. For now, any beginning will do, just to get the story moving. Later you could remove your current starting point, or insert a new beginning before it, or simply revise the one you began with. Perhaps you are having trouble shaping your characters. You really didn;t give us much to go on.
sorry... I have my storyline and my beginning characters, including my main and supporting character, but I am having trouble describing them without drawing it out... I don't want a book like " War and Peace" if you know what I mean.
Don't worry about describing them, especially at the beginning. Begin with activity, not painting a picture. Activity describes the inner character, and that is far more important.
I agree with this. ~Do not describe them all in one hit, spread it out so the reader gradually learns about the character. Trust me, that makes for a far better read than describing them in one massive punch. If you spread it out it gives the reader more of a read and urges them to continue.
Neil Gaiman says this: Write it. Write it. Write it, finish it, and get it published. There are no tricks, no magic spells, no rituals, no gods to pray to. Just work. Write the thing and get it finished.