Well, what to say? I'm from the UK, and have recently got back into writing again. Fantasy fiction has always been my thing, so naturally, that's what I'm going with. I could've picked up some of my half-finished works from a few years ago, but that would involve resurrecting the hard rive from my old laptop. So I'm just starting a new one. Looking forward to getting some feedback on it, and leaving some for others, of course.
I have two older novels I'm resurrecting. It's kind of neat to read my old stuff, I don't even remember half of what happened in the story. My writing definitely needs tweaks. Welcome. Look forward to reading your stuff.
Welcome to WF! What kind of fantasy do you write? It's definitely my favorite genre. I love myself some gritty, dark fantasy. Here's our New Member Quick Start to get you started. See you around! -Kat
Well, right now I'm going for something with a Gentleman Bastards feel to it, but with the one I'm doing now, I'm throwing a little of The Three Musketeers in as well. (Possibly with a lesbian pirate for good measure)