...how screwed would you be? If all your characters in all of your books were made real and sought revenge, would you be worried?
Seems like the general consensus is, bad things would occur... @LordKyle So, that just means that your characters will be Zombies/ghosts when they come for revenge...
I would have more of a chance touching the moon than surviving my characters with revenge on their minds.... Alan Wake is a great game/book too, haha.
Alan Wake is a book?! I loved the game, so I might have to buy the book. Is the book very close to the game?
That's no excuse! It's on PS3, and PC (well, a high-powered PC), so if you own either then get it - it's amazing. It's about a writer whose stories come to life around him. That's a very digested version, but it's been a while since I've played it, so maybe somebody else could explain it a bit better.
And We'd be waiting for you and yours and the first round would be on our characters. And the second and third. Holy Crap! Their buying the P's and Q's while we get totally fishsnookered!
There's an Alan Wake book?? Cool. And yes, I'd be very worried. Considering that most of the characters are more or less violent and suffer of one or several mental illnesses.
My characters are inspired by my feelings, so we'd probaly get along just fine. Sometimes I wish I could interact with some of them.
I'd actually come out alright, I think. The character who'd pose the biggest problems are usually those that get killed, but arguably the character in my novel that gets killed wants to be killed, and so wouldn't seek revenge. Though he's an emotionally unstable rebel leader with a flair for the dramatic and a fish supper on his shoulder regarding authority, so he'd find plenty of other reasons to do something ironically horrific. The other two main ones would get along fine with me. One might hate me because I put him into the situation in the first place, but he becomes the man he wanted to be out of it and many of his underlying issues are resolved. The other one I would totally date.