i'm leaving for puerto rico on friday [july 8] and will not have an internet connection for maybe as long as a couple of weeks, so please don't think i'm ignoring you, if you post a comment aimed at me, or email me 'at home'... i'll get caught up with everything as soon as possible, but as you can imagine, moving halfway around the world to a strange place will take some time settling in and getting back to you all... till then... abrazos y besos, maia
wow, that was quick! thanks, all o' yez... i'll miss you and the site till i can get back on, that's for sure! hugs, m
thanks, everyone!... but i'm not going on vacation [i don't do those, or weekends/holidays]... i'm going there to live and to start another donation center and free books program for the needy, like the one i started and ran here on tinian for the past five and a half years... it'll be a while before i can get back on line again, so be good while i'm 'gone'! hope wreybies isn't too far away, so we can get together... just pm'd him... hugs, m
i'm ba-a-ack! and finally sorta settled in PR... hope everyone's been ok while i've been off the site... hugs, m
i'm happy with being in PR, but the less said about my 'new home' the better!... am stuck in it for 6 months, so it's no good griping about it, just have to 'survive' till the lease is up and i can find a more livable one... thanks for the kind words, mallory! hugs, m