I've quit my other forum and now have a little time to do some critting. Should you want a HORROR story looked at, PM me and I'll see what I can do. Bear in mind I have limited time! But I'll try my best. I will be brutally honest and probably do some ripping, so don't bother if you're going to be a touchy, arty type. No time wasters please! In return you do get the experience of a published novelist and submissions editor for Dred Magazine. I'm only interested in those that want to LEARN! I'm not a free editing service...
I direct you to the Horror Short Story forum on the site where I'm sure your advice will be appreciated. Though be aware these 'short stories' are more often than not only extracts. https://www.writingforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=57 Good of you to offer.
You're probably better off putting a one-liner in your sig, and maybe something in your blog with more details (you could even link to the blog in your sig as "details"). For what it is worth, detailed, honest, but respectful critiques are what we strive for on the forum anyway. Gratuitous praise doesn't help the writer, unless it's equally specific ("I particularly enjoyed the metaphor of the politician becoming a boar and getting hunted for meat.") Members willing to put their very best efforts into reviewing are always appreciated!
Will you be handling higher level questions about the nature of publishing and your personal experiences as a writer? Maybe advice to those seeking to be published. Since you've published in a magazine you should have at least an idea to guide another's article in to publication. Maybe you should start a submission thread, so you can read various articles and direct them toward that goal.
I will, of course, answer any questions, all except...will you get me published! Har har! I used to write a column for Dred magaine covering the publishing world, plots, originality, grammar, guidlelines,etc. So I'm a man of the world when it comes to publishing (unfortunately not a 10k advance man of the world yet!).