The name really explains it all: Would bringing in an older culture into an off-world fantasy setting be considered "okay?" I'm mostly concerned if it'll raise a few eyebrows amongst readers. If the culture comes from similar roots, just under a different name? To be more specific, I'm hoping to use an older Irish culture, around the emigration into the U.S. Similarly, the culture stems from a grate migration south to more fertile lands after years of famine, and after settling into and immersing in the southern culture, still remembering the old roots of their ancestors. I've done my research, so there's no need to be concerned that I'm just going to use any stereotypes. I just need to know if it'll stick out enough and stall readers on the details. Your thoughts?
If it's fantasy, you can do whatever you want and be inspired by anything you want. It's not like you're writing a realistic historical fiction and changing all the history.
What's already been said is right I think; it's a fantasy story and your own so your not resticted by what's true in our world. Make your own history and rules and stick to them. I don't think there should be too much fuss, if any, about basing something on your world from something in reality. The way I look at it, it's a base to help you make it seem as realistic as possible.
It's fantasy, so it's up to you. The secret is knowing everything about your culture, but not overwhelming the reader with information