OK, I have this one story where there are (same-sex fraternal) twins who are partially mentally fused. At the start of the story, they talk in unison or else finish each other's sentences, and this plus the fact that they tend not to show emotions and aren't very interested in other kids means they come across as strange and creepy to the other kids. They also experience each other's physical sensations to a certain extent, such as feeling each other's pain. The other kids are going to bully them. One thing they'll do is deliberately cause one twin pain to watch the other one react. But I also need to figure out what kinds of insults they'll use. Any suggestions?
Twimps = twin wimps, because you can hurt one by poking the other. Half wits, because they have one brain between the two of them )I know it isn't accurate - it's an insult)
This may not be what you're looking for, but I am a twin, and the biggest insult/most hurtful thing is when they purposely would call me by my sister's name. That's something psychologically is very damaging; acting as if we were one in the same, and that our names were interchangeable. My twin and I would talk about this a million times, I can just picture the twins in your story having this conversation... also even combining their names together, and having the kids call them that, that's also very insulting and hurtful to twins.
Blender. Frickenfrack. Frappé. Meow Mix. (you get the idea, all terms that imply lack of individuality) Also any of the generic insults for any outsider - freak, loser, weirdo...
I think going the generic route my be easiest - making up "twin" specific may just come across as corny. Kids insults aren't usually that clever. Weirdos, loser, freak, you could use something really insensitive and I HATE this word, but "retarded." A lot of young kids use that and not realize how awful it sounds. Or you could do something like, "hey children of the corn..."
Huh. That never really bugged me or my sister. Mind you, growing up we each thought our names was KaylaKara or KaraKayla because we were always in trouble together. But people attempting to purposefully use the wrong name, never bothered us. There were plenty of other name calling that was more hurtful.
Wow, really? It infuriated me when people did that to me. Then when I'd be like "okay my name is Steph, stop calling me Sophia." They'd say "Same thing." But nope, it's not the same thing, and it's insulting. I think we were tired of being lumped together. We wanted to be individuals.
That might be the difference. When we really started to go our individual ways there was a big upturn in the family that kind of made us slam back together. Then again, as I said, since we were little we were always combined together. Even family just calls us K&K or the K's. I don't know, it's kind of like we never attached ourselves to our names to take offense to it. Though I will admit that it is slightly annoying when people I've worked with for 6 months still cannot manage to call us the right name. There is very little reason that I must resort to answering to "Hey you, the double!" because they've still failed to notice dyed hair colors.
I can definitely relate to twins merging together in tough situations. It's awesome to have that one person you will always lean on. I don't think there is something else in the world like that bond. So I see what you're saying about not taking offense to it, when you two were so close in those times. And yeah, rightfully so, they should know you apart now when you worked there for 6 months. Whenever people called me the wrong name, I just call them Billy, no matter what their real name was.. Every time they called me "Sophia" instead of "Steph", I'd reply, "Yes, Billy?"
That probably worked better than my blank stare. I just don't understand it, because I had purple hair and she had blue hair. There is no excuse with neon hair colors. None. For the original question, because this actually made me think of it. Growing up, we were constantly made fun of due to our curly hair, and you stated that they already hurt one to see the other react. The cruelest thing ever done to us was when someone pretended to take us into the group, be friends, only to begin bad mouthing the other one just for the reaction, to see if they could get us to fight one another. I ran and cried, Kara beat people up.
semi-pea brain, butt-headers (if they are connected at the head, it would look like a butt), connectards, bi-buddies, duel-dummies, hybridiots, etc. Edit: I really like hybrid-idiots, hybridiots.