Hi everyone! I'm a writer from South Africa and have self-published, as well as been published in the anthology of a short story writing competition. Phew. Now that that's out of the way, I gotta say I love voice in novels, enjoy most genres of books - especially quirky detective novels - and am big on cutting out filters in prose. I've got a blog and a service, but I won't mention it here because I'm sure it's against the rules according to the FAQ. Ultimate goal: finish my paranormal detective series! Current goal: don't eat too many chocolates. I can't wait to read everyone's stuff and eventually post my own for review. Keep writing.
Published in an anthology. Congratulations, that's awesome. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
Welcome to the forum, Caitlin! You're published? That's awesome to hear! It'll be awesome too read something of yours, if you decide to post something for us to tear apart. I see you've already taken a tour in the FAQ, so I'm not going to spam you with links. Instead I'll mention that your chocolate goal is completely wrong. Come on, chocolate is awesome! There is no reason to not eat it! Have fun!
Hi @Caitlin White, welcome! Your sign off is very apropos as I'm here saying hi to newbies to procrastinate. Hope you use your psychic powers for further good - beware the dark side (although I hear they have cookies). Ciao
Thanks so much for the warm responses! Gosh, cookies and chocolate. If you give me one, I'm afraid I'll continue until I'm a ball on the floor. Not conducive to writing. Hahaha