1. Member 36723

    Member 36723 Guest

    Is there a market for stories in the style of comics?

    Discussion in 'Traditional Publishing' started by Member 36723, Feb 12, 2013.

    What I mean is this:

    Releasing a magazine containing chapters of different series into a single "book" with some insights. Series can end at any chapter and a new one will replace it.

    Volumes containing a certain number of chapters from a certain series will be released as the series is complete with some bonuses.

    Do you think it will be commercially successful? And do you think it should be released once/twice/ or four times a month?

    Anyhow, a chapter continuing a certain series will only be a month later, so series will alternate if the magazine is published more then one time a month.
  2. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    is this a magazine you will publish on your own?... an e-zine, or print?...

    i can't make any sense of this, sorry to say... what do you mean by 'different series' and 'insights'?

    and this:
    and this:

  3. Member 36723

    Member 36723 Guest

    series is the same for singular and plural, so yeah I thought it would be confusing.

    Yes I thought it will be an e-zine, but it is the same concept.

    What I mean is something like Weekly Shonen Jump, where different manga series are published weekly. It also sometimes include extras like interviews.

    What I meant by bonuses is as a second incentive to get the volume books of and individual series.

    What I thought is that every series will have a new chapter once a month, but the magazine will be released every 2 weeks, so series alternate.
  4. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    so, you intend to run two different serialized stories at the same time, on alternate weeks?

    i still can't make any sense out of that... a book is a volume... did you mean a 'hard copy' or a complete e-zine?... and is the 'and' there meant to be 'an'?...

    if you're going to write these stories in english, for native english speakers, you will probably need help with your grammar, since it seems english is not your native tongue...
  5. Member 36723

    Member 36723 Guest

    It's a typo, an instead of and. A native speaker should've picked that up. By "getting" is meant for the customer. Sorry I use a different jargon because I thought people would I understand, let me elaborate:

    They way most manga work is this: there is a magazine, usually on a weekly basis that contains several series. Once a certain series has enough chapters to make a volume which is around 180 pages I reckon, they release it as a volume book. Something very common with American comics is to include bonuses such as "how it was created" int heir volume. American comics simply release all their books separately, resulting in 2-3 USD for 20 pages, but the Japanese magazine include various series for a much reasonable price.

    Because I'm not an artist, I thought If it would be possible to apply the same formula on literary works. The question is, will people buy it?
  6. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    if it's good enough, some people will buy it... some will buy it even if it's not very good... the question is, will enough people buy it to make you any money beyond what it will cost you to create it?

    and you need to understand that 'volume book' makes no sense... 'volume' is another word for 'book' so to use both words together is what is called a redundancy... what you seem to mean is a 'hard cover' or 'paperback' book or an 'e-book'...
  7. Member 36723

    Member 36723 Guest

    "The chapters of series that run in Weekly Shōnen Jump are collected and published in tankōbon volumes under the "Jump Comics" imprint every two to three months." (opening paragraph)


    Thank the divine the world isn't on the tether of semantics.

    You make a good point, and this exactly what I'm aiming for, will it be a commercial success? Frankly, I don't see why to print anything these days from both ecological and economic reasons. Selling stuff online is much better.

    Can it be a commercial success, and how can it be?
  8. jazzabel

    jazzabel Agent Provocateur Contributor

    Jan 5, 2012
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    How can we possibly know if your book can be a commercial success if we haven't read it? What you described is just a generic way of publishing graphic novels in magazines. Lots of such stories are successful, way more are total flops. Like in any genre. What matters is quality, not a format. I suggest you write your two stories, complete them, and then see how you want to divide them up, publish, whatever. But I don't think you will get the answer to our question about a possible success of your stories, before you offer them in full for review.
  9. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    ditto all of that... thanks for saying it for me, jazz!
  10. Member 36723

    Member 36723 Guest

    This is not about how a story can be successful , but a certain business model. If anything Vertigo is successful at is taking the comic book business model and apply it to anything. The reason I'm asking it is because from one hand comic sales go down, but from all across the board comic book companies are more profitable. I beg to differ on the quality over format. I bet you can find things you didn't like that were successful because the way they were sold and the other way around. The last place I thought I'd be trolled is here.
  11. jazzabel

    jazzabel Agent Provocateur Contributor

    Jan 5, 2012
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    @Maia: thanks :)

    @Member 36723: I think you have the wrong forum then. You need to be on a publishing forum, or business forum, or some such. Sorry, but I see no real writer issue here, you seem to be concerned with how to flog low quality material all over the net hoping to get some profit from incidental sales. In any case, I hope you don't succeed flooding the market with low quality stuff, there is enough of that to sift through already.
  12. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    no one has trolled you here... you are getting nothing but helpful replies from people kind enough to bother trying to help you... and they deserve your respect and courteous behavior...
    1 person likes this.
  13. Teodor Pravický

    Teodor Pravický New Member

    Jan 1, 2013
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    Czech Republic
    I think you have to offer lots of features if you like to do this. It has to be written specially for publishing in series or it will be hard to remember what happened last week. Aditionally opening an ebook at reader is now very simple. What is not simple is to search for the book you can read, so I would like to subscribe only some of these, have the notice on my email or by SMS that next volume were released, be able to get it simply on android device or kindle, support only author I actually read, having easier life in searching for new stuff by filtering amount of readers, age, their education or hobbies. Its tons of programming
  14. Member 36723

    Member 36723 Guest

    Thanks, Theo. So you actually research the writers you look after to that extent? How would something independent can break ground quickly? Possible with aggressive online marketing on social networks.
  15. Teodor Pravický

    Teodor Pravický New Member

    Jan 1, 2013
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    Czech Republic
    I ment by lots of programming also the way to filter out crap from the books reader might like. There are certain patterns that people enjoy and since we are like 30 different personalities, everyone will like something else. So if I see tons of writing without dialog, I can see right away the story will be boring. If someone else won't catch "I love my sister" every second page, won't feel right about it. Get it?

    Problem is that when you promote something person don't like, he will not search for good stuff forever. Movies are easy to watch even if it don't really match, but these are just freakin' books, man, you have to imagine everything by yourself and vomit eventually.

    The promotion of the site seems to me as easiest task comparing to that. If you want to work on it, I'm here for free ;)
  16. Dante Dases

    Dante Dases Contributor Contributor

    Sep 25, 2008
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    West Yorkshire, England
    The OP asked a legitimate question, so I'm going to let the topic stay.

    HOWEVER you all need to rein in your responses. There's a lot of unwarranted impatience on this thread that's turning into petty insults. It stops now.

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