Grr. My current pet peeve is really peevish. Why is it so difficult to find decorative women's watches that you can actually tell time by glancing at them? What is with the distorted shapes, distracting background designs, accompanied by hands and back that are more or less the same colour, plus no numbers at all? Never mind the lack of a date function, etc. I really hate women's fashion that prevents a woman from fully functioning in real life. Surely attractive and feminine watches can be designed so they also function well? Would a man put up with this? Would a man teeter around in high heeled shoes? Or carry a 'clutch' handbag because he has no functional pockets in his clothing? What is with this clutch bag crap? That ensures that the woman carrying one either sacrifices one hand to hang on to the damn thing, or has to function with one dangling from her wrist or clutched under one arm. I mean ...WHAT? That's not 'feminine,' unless feminine equals stupid. No, don't go there....
YES! And the way hardly any women's clothing has useful pockets. We don't all want to carry a handbag everywhere. I'll probably have to limit myself to one pet peeve a day in this thread. I'm a very easily annoyed person. Today my pet peeve of choice is drivers who try to skip lines of traffic and then cut in at the front of the queue. Actually, my bigger pet peeve is the drivers who allow them to cut in. NO, let them wait until the back of the queue, and then they won't try it again. Can you tell roadworks just started on my commute? Two months of this to go.
"Pet peeve" must be an American expression. I've never come across it in real life in the UK. (caveat: Not native English speaker). Pet peeves: The politically correct mafia who are telling everyone what they "must" think to be good people.. People who use words from self-help books or career-books in everyday life. This can include baseball terminology, pseudo-psychotherapy talk or made up words for meaningless conditions or behaviours. The habit of spying on "friends" online. You live in London and DRIVE? I'm surprised you're not in a mental institution already. What's wrong with the tube?
Try a traditional Swiss watch - mine is pretty and perfectly easy to read. On the pockets: YES agree. It can be a real problem, particularly with work clothes like a womens' suit. High heels -- I'm tall so I never wear them. I can't as long as I live in the UK, since it makes me significantly taller than most men. I'm already taller without the heels. Plus - why handicap yourself? I wonder how many women DIED because they couldn't run away in heels, or because they tripped in their heels in some dangerous place. In the thousands probably. Then we have women like Victoria Beckham who harm their feet so badly in heels that they have to have surgery to fix it.
I work in London but I live just outside. My nearest tube station is around 6 miles away, and because the bus service where I live is so crap, I need a car to get to the tube station in the first place. And then it's the Northern line, aka the There Are Significant Delays line... Plus it takes 2 hours by public transport, 45 minute drive. Plus I have a company car so I don't pay any travel costs, including petrol. Plus there are other people on public transport and... ew.
I once tried on high heels just to see what they'd feel like. I could barely keep my balance. I weep for the women who wear the high heels and have to carry around a purse either in the crook of her arm or in her hand. I honestly wouldn't care if a woman went into a formal setting wearing trousers and loafers and wore a functional watch. Ladies, I seriously don't care, dress in the trousers and loafers. You're not gonna hear me complaining. Here's my peeve for the day: -- When people judge others for liking certain things they don't like. It's fine to not like it, but to make the other person feel bad for liking it? How is that any of your business? They're not hurting you in any way.
For a while (and we may still be within said period) men's watches became ridiculously huge. I have pretty narrow wrists for a fellah' - just the way I'm made - and these watches make me look like a little kid wearing his dad's watch. It's still not very easy to find a nice looking, dressy men's watch that doesn't feel oversized. I have a vintage Longines watch from the late 50's in 14k that I acquired back when I was in the antiques trades. It's still my go-to watch for dress.
They probably weigh a ton as well, I imagine. No ...just as stupid as the women's silly watches. Form should never trump function, in my book.
Having worked as a medical receptionist, I've seen many women (and not particularly old ones) coming in to get referred for really awful foot problems ...bunions, deformed toes, etc. Some of them can barely walk at all. And of course the shortened calf tendons and back pain that develops from wearing high heels too often is a major problem. Not to mention the broken ankles, legs, damaged knees ...for pity's sake WHY? In the 19th century it was deformed women because of the obligatory 'corset.' Now it's these damned high heels. WHY? Why do we do this to ourselves? I honestly don't think it's to please men, especially as so many men don't like this kind of thing much anyway. Who wants to be with a woman who is busy spending a fortune on shoes to cripple herself and make her unable to walk naturally? That's just ...aargh.
Thank you @Tenderiser !!! You have expressed my biggest pet peeve. Why the hell do womens' clothing often have no pockets?! I'm a mother with young twins, I need my hands free so pockets, very deep pockets at that, are very useful. Furthermore, why the hell do they not have pockets in womens' fitness wear?! It's as if they don't think women need to carry their phones, their keys and maybe some money just in case of an emergency. I run and ride a lot, so every time I find something with pockets, I buy three! It feels like we're forced to buy accessories to compensate for lack of pockets. Very irritating.
Popular music, because it lacks substance, talent, and originality. Pop literature that is written in poor taste that is bland and dull. Having to stay civil with argumentative people who want to force their opinions on others (likewise for those who feel their opinion is the only one that matters). Just a few things that grate on me.
If you want extra attention, where shoes that will make you taller and accentuate your buttocks. If you don't want attention, where comfortable shoes like everyone else.... Which brings me to my pet peeve. POP MUSIC!
I like having a purse to carry everywhere. I feel naked without it. I'm not really sure how men can function without one, actually. Plus, you don't have to carry the purse by hand. Just sling it around your shoulder/neck like I do, and boom, you don't have to think about it (Plus, it makes it nearly impossible for someone to snatch it from you)! My pet peeve... Lord help me, but I can't think of one right now. I must be having a pretty good day.
People who think because they have an advanced degree in a STEM field they know everything. People who think because they know some esoteric history/philosophy/economics knowledge they know everything. People who think because they have a highish IQ they know everything. People who read one somewhat in-depth article in a newspaper and think they are experts in the subject. People who denigrate other people's preferences for no reason. People who use the excuse of politically correct culture to claim nobody should be allowed to take offense at their actions. People who act like assholes when they could easily change their behavior, but they don't because "it's their right to do so." (Hint: just because it's your right doesn't mean you won't be an asshole for doing it.) People who think because something has been done some way for a long time it shouldn't be something we need to continually condemn because it is apparently "unchangeable." People who insist everyone's lives logically can only be about maximizing pleasures. People who insist everyone's lives logically can only be about fulfilling their interpretation of God's will.
I've included three photos in my OP. I could have showed many many more, but in deference to the forum site I didn't.
You do have to carry a 'clutch' bag in your hand, or tucked under your elbow. Some come with a wee loop to sling over your wrist, but most of them have no handle at all. It was clutch bags I was ranting against ...although a case could be made against carrying any handbag, really. If somebody wants to carry one, fine. I've got no problem with that. But those of us who don't want to carry a bag all the time need deep and well-designed pockets in our clothing. Like men have in theirs.
That's where I keep my spare credit cards when I travel. Why would you keep your watch there, you can't check the time while it's in your bra!
Me personally I find heels rather easy to walk in(and dare I say FUN??) , but I never get to wear them because I'm to tall and people make fun of course. So that's a pet peeve I suppose when I get made fun of for "looking like an amazonian" I find this funny as my husband hates small watches Just goes to show everyone has different tastes in fashion! My biggest pet peeve in the whole entire world is loud chewers. I love my dad dearly and today was his birthday so I baked him a cake and my family chipped in for his favorite meal, but I could hardly sit and celebrate with him because he chews SO LOUD.
My pet peeves... Well, where to start? Talk shows, especially when regarding to celebrity or 'famous' people.... yuk. Ignorant people that refuse to better themselves and remain stuck in their ways. People who cannot take critism. People who act like idiots because they think it's 'cool'. People who get offended at anything and everything. I've got nothing against bad English, spelling mistakes, etc... (having done a fair few myself), but people who spellz badlyz bekuz their kan and knot bekuz their are budz ack inglesh. Ugh, I mean, some people seem to go out of their way to be that bad at English. They is simply no way you could be that bad. At least, I hope not. And by far my biggest pet peeve. "Trollers" or internet trolls... The worst thing to happen to humanity in recent times.