I can't post in the "Advertising Cliches" thread, but I can post elsewhere. Are some of the threads defunct in the system?
I can post here and elsewhere, but when I try to reply to the "Advertising Cliches" thread, it delays and looks like it's processing, but my post goes into the nether.
Yes, the thread was reported to us already. It won't let me post in that thread either. I'm going to patch it to another thread and see if that fixes it.
This has happened to me before. When I was posting in a thread a while back, my internet stopped working, so my post didn't initially go through. When my internet started working again, I tried posting in that thread again but found that my post still wasn't going through. Maybe something similar is happening here. Well, it looks like the "Advertising Cliches" thread is acting weird for everyone, so there's probably a more serious problem at play.
maybe the code that incorporate the video is responsible for this ? (I saw it before in another site, some people can post, other's, not, and the guilty was the video embed code)
Bummer, I can't post either. I hope it's a limited problem. I get the normal reply box, type fine, but post reply does nothing. I tried more options, that window opens but when I hit preview, nada.
How about, I am aware and bringing up a bug report? The condescending tone of your reply is not hidden from me. I just believe it was unnecessary.
Non sequitur. I don't run the site, and have no access to the software. Nor have I licensed or installed the software. I am merely speculating about new posting problems popping up shortly after an announcement of an upgrade.