Hello! My main character is a blonde, blue eyed female. She is in her early twenties, strong, opinionated, independent, and bold. I want a name that can further convey these traits in her. She comes from a middle class family and has a younger brother whom with she is very close. I do not want any name too off the wall, either. Everything I seem to come up with just does not fit her the way I would like it to. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
These are the names i came up with Nicole, Marianne, Kyouku, Janet, Libera, Chelsey, Dikaneisdi, Maneskinn, Carmen I hope they fit you're uniqueness of your'e character.
You can find a name with the desired meaning on any "name meaning" site. You can even combine multiple names to come up with a cool new name with the desired meanings.
Google baby names and you'll find a whole bunch of sites with lists of names and their origins and meanings. Just like with real people, whatever name you choose will eventually fit. What's more important is how you write her character.
Sounds like an Alexandria to me, I've always thought that to be a really strong name or Angela as well. Good luck
I know a young lady named Miranda who fits this description quite well so that's the name that comes to my mind.
I hate coming up with names too... my kids and pets have been plagued with my limited talent. A rabbit named bunny... .... a dog named flapjack and kids named after US Presidents.... From what you have described I would suggest unisex names or last names: Jordon, Chris, Sam, MacKenzie, Morgan Last names that are used as first names. Good Luck!!!!