Anyone going to college or school? Is there that one subject that is slowly killing you and draining the energy and patience you have for the rest of the world? Mine is currently geography.
Chemistry. It's only been one day and we already have had a worksheet, two pretests, a 'get-to-know-you' sheet, and several papers to be signed and returned. They aren't all do on the same day, mind you. But still, not cool.
I had geography last year! D: This year the subject that seems to be bothering me the most, is Geometry. -_-
I'm in University. And I must admit. The only piece of coursework I ever hated doing was creative writing. To me it's not something that can be exactly taught. Especially not by an opinionated, pretentious prick of a lecturer like I had.
Oh man Calculus killed me...:/ Everything else was fine, but that one class and the professor were horrendous. Archeology was a fave though, even with its voluminous reading.
When I was at school, I hated science. I wasn't very good at it and it was so frustrating trying to do the homework. Even worse, for a couple of years I had to go to science club (just me and three others). My teacher told us that it wasn't compulsory but yeah it was. Basically it was extra science lessons and homework. Not fun and it didn't even help me.
Physical Biochemistry in grad school was ridiculous. Both in amount and complexity of homework, coupled with the fact that the teacher was horrible. At the end of the year, grading on a curve, an "A" in the class was around 36%. That tells me the teacher did something wrong. I prefer the law school approach, personally. No assignments during the semester. It was your responsibility to keep up with the material. At the end of the semester, one comprehensive exam and whatever you got on that exam was your grade in the class.
Organic chemistry. I may claw out my eyes with my own bare hands before I finish this course. You have no idea. 54.7% of the class did not pass last semester. Good odds, yeah?