I am writing a self-help/inspirational book; I want to search through threads to get some insight for it. I need to know which syndicate to look under: non-fiction, fiction, poetry, etc. I know it's not novel but there are many other options. I don't want to be posting under the wrong thread and get misleading advice. Thanks, D.R. James
Are you asking about what category it would fall under or where it would be posted in the review room for reviews? I think self-help is usually syndicated as non-fiction. Here on the boards it would probably go under non-fiction too.
Yeah self-help is not fiction. You're not inventing any characters or stories or anything like that, and everything in it is true. Non-fiction is writing that is, at least as far as the writer is concerned, true.
'syndicated'?... is there some modernday use for this word that i've missed seeing, other than 'publish simultaneously in a number of publications' or 'sell shares in'? but yes, dr, the proper place on the forum for questions about your work is 'non-fiction'... a self-help book couldn't fit any other category...
Thank you Syndicate: group of people: a group of people who combine to carry out a business, enterprise, or some other common purpose Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. I apologize if used it in the wrong text. I assumed it meant people here at the forum, non-fiction, are here to assist others with concerns and questions. Thank you everyone I appreciate your answers and now will be looking and posting under non-fiction. Thanks, D.R. James