I'm curious as to whether anyone here speaks any languages besides English, and if so, which ones? Also, would you like to learn any other languages, and if so, which ones? Fluently, I speak English and Welsh, and I'm learning Italian, French, Latin, and Korean.
I'm getting a sense of Deja vu... I speak some Spanish and some German, but am not quite conversational in either. I also know some Latin, and random words and phrases in some other languages. I'd like to become fluent in Spanish and German, and maybe pick up some Italian along the way.
I am learning Frence at the moment in school, although I am not very good at it at all. I would love to become fluent in French and Italian, and possibly Russian also.
I'm fluent in english and french, and I'm picking up some italian, norwegian, thai, spanish and swahili.
I'm fluent in Swedish and English. Apart from that I speak a little German, even less Spanish and also some Latin. That would be mostly famous quotes though....
i've always admired polyglot ability, so hats off to those in this thread. my parents were both trilingual (english, spanish, french) and i've always wanted to achieve that also but am not a great book student. the times i spent in peru and france i rapidly started learning the languages, but soon had to leave. grrr... EDIT: i found it amusing that two pro athletes who played for local teams (the sixers and nets) both spoke about seven languages. dikembe mutombo and boki nachbar were the names.
I'm taking high school Spanish, but am only alright at it. I mainly just speak English and the jibberish that comes from my mouth.
Been to such a thread before, but whatever. I speak Urdu and English, and am learning Arabic. Ma Yatakallumki A'rbiyah? (I may just have put that wrong ) EDIT: I want to learn Chinese, Japanese, Hindi script, Malay, French, Italian and any other language which manages to fascinate me.
Ich spreche ein Bischen Deutsch, aber nicht sehr viele. Mein Deutsch ist vieleicht genug fur ein Urlaub in Deutschland, aber nicht fur viel mehr.
I speak Chinese pretty well. I'm alright at Spanish, in my middle school in the 7 years i was there we switched through 6 teachers so we didn't learn much. except for this one year where the teacher pushed everyone into overdrive so we would learn a lot. but i'm still only alright at it. so i'm giving up spanish and in high school i'm taking french. yay for french!
Other than English... I've going into my sixth year of Spanish in school, but my girlfriend and mom are both fluent in it, so I speak it with them, so I consider myself reasonably fluent at it. That's it, unfortunately. I know a few words and phrases in French but that doesn't count. I really wish I could speak Afrikaans (for heritage purposes...and it's just a cool language), an Asian dialect (I'm leaning towards Japanese), German, French, and a Scandinavian language - Swedish, Finnish, or Norwegian. I like my languages, but I lack the time to learn them all. ~Christian
I only speak english and a couple phrases in gaelic. but I was told that nice little girls don't talk like that. so I won't. I told Dom when he called today that I would try and learn chinese with him this summer when he is home. He has to and I should in case he marries a chinese girl and I want to make her feel welcome. Usually to make someone feel welcome I feed them but I don't want to make the poor girl fat so I better be able to say a few things in her language.
But of course. I am a grandmother and we feed people. It comes with the title. "have a cookie" opens the huge cookie jar to pass with the glass of milk.
I can only speak english fluently. But when I was younger (2-4) I could speak german fluently, since we lived there. Also, I took a semester of spanish, so I can speak some.