I call these the fancy white bread. So, which fancy white bread do you like more? Ciabatta bread or baguette bread? I searched on WF and wasn't sure this was a thread or not. I apologize if there is one. I like Baguette cause that's the bread I'm eating right now as a sandwich. I just kind of like the hard outside and the squishy inside.
Wow, that's a toughie. Well, I eat Baguette (we call it French Bread, presumably 'cause we're simple) quite a lot, so I guess my favourite of the two has to be Ciabatta.
Dining for One or Two When you eat breakfast, lunch or dinner...which do you prefer with someone or alone? Why do you prefer to eat alone or with someone? Who do you like to eat with the most? I like to eat with someone. In most cases with momma and dadda they are real funny during dinner time and even lunch time. I don't like eating with my cousin, only because he rarely comes down and eats with me so when it's just me and cousin I have to eat on my own. I just don't like to resorting to talking to the tablecloth. I just like talking when I eat since it's been something mom and dad and I have been doing since I was real young. I'm use to there being someone when I eat, that I rarely eat on my own. I like being around people enjoying the food, where as being alone and only half enjoying the food.
I prefer eating with someone... That's what happens in most cases, because I have seven sisters ànd seven brothers so it's not very likely I'll be eating alone. But I need to be talking while I'm eating... about something funny or really interesting, or the meal gets boring and I'm gone.
It's softer on the inside, almost juicy, if you see what I mean. Plus, Pizza Hut does garlic Ciabatta.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats a freshly baked (preferably in own oven) baguette, smothered in rich creamy butter and smeared with room temperature Camembert. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sadly for me, my cholestorol level and my doctor are conspiring against me, so this is now limited to a once a month treat.
Usually I invite a friend over. There's quite a selection. What makes it even better is the fact that most of them are picky with their food, obsessed with something, or simply insane
My favorite bread is a bread we make here in PR which is called pan de manteca. The yumminess is ridiculous.
po'boy bread is definitely superior. it's got all the good qualities of french bread without the tooth-breaking hardness
How about croissants? Does that count as a bread or a pastry? That's what I love...and if it's got chocolate inside, even better.
I make my own whole wheat/oatmeal/rye sourdough bread in the bread machine, since I don't eat refined flour and it takes an act of freaking congress to find a whole wheat bread that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup (AKA the nutritional antichrist) and that is somewhat less expensive than my dry cleaning bill. Most meals I eat with my husband, except on crit group nights, then the group goes out to pancakes and coffee. (After, of course, the after-meeting wine/beer thing.)
i'm a bread-maniac, so love 'em both and just wish i could get either out here! when i lived in france, or the us/canada, where both are readily available fresh-baked in supermarkets or bakeries, i'd always buy both, then agonize over which to attack first... often would have a slice of each, to sate myself with yeasty, doughy goodness and crunchy/munchy crustiness...
I like Jamaican bread, but that's the only 'fancy' bread I've ever really had... I'm not much of an adventurous eater, I guess. As for your dining questions, Leaka, I prefer to eat alone for any mealtime. Why? I have little quirks about A) what I eat B) the order in which I eat it and C) if I eat more than one food product, it is not allowed to touch another food product. I've gone so far as to get one of those divided lunch trays for my food. (Lunch trays like this.) But I can only use it when I'm in solitude --even my family gives me a hard time about it. I generally eat alone because people give me a hard time about those quirks. I do eat with my family and very close friends, and they're generally the few people I'm comfortable eating with. If I had to choose one person, though, as my favourite dinner companion, it would be my Grandma Sue. She accepts my funny quirks without question.
I like bread in general. Bread is delicious. And as for eating with people vs eating alone, I would prefer to eat with Joel over anything else, but if he weren't available (or maybe my sister...), I would rather eat alone. I went out with a guy from my parents' church once, and afterward everyone who knew us kept telling me "heard you had a good time-Nathan says you've got a big appetite!" After that, I had a huge hangup about eating in front of people...