Does anyone here use Lulu marketplace things and/or publish on/via it? Would you advise someone to do that or could that have some inconveniences? If yes, which ones...?
Actually, I was wondering if it is not easier or better with these online publishing things especially for people who are not getting access to traditional publishers. For example, in my case, we have a few publishers and not much of local book publication, marketing and distribution system, so these publishers do not make royalty type deals at all and prefer to just pay once and for all for the number of books they are buying from you (which you have either self-published or got sponsored- by government agencies- to publish it). So now to reach international market ebooks seem easier alternative... but I am worried about the consequences it can have.... A friend suggested that such self-publishing is like going into oblivion or hiding, another friend suggested that professional publishers in other countries will then refuse to publish your book since the ebook is already there. So I am asking people who might be better aware of things via this forum... Anyone has advice and opinions on that to help me out.?
what country do you live in?... do you have the ability and means to promote and sell the books in your own and in other countries?
I'm wondering what "we" means. Are you saying that there are very few publishers that publish in the language in which you would be writing? Because otherwise, if you're just saying that there are few publishers in your geographic area, I don't see why you'd have to limit yourself to those publishers - you could try publishers in other countries. (Unless the book is also only of interest to people in that geographic area.) But, yes, once a book has been self-published that pretty much eliminates any likelihood of getting it traditionally published. Only if your self-published book became a huge runaway success would it be likely that a publisher would want to take it on.
I can't really name it here...normally books promotion works by a lot of networking here and some people even had to giveaway there fiction/poetry books because of lack of marketing system. Things are changing but slowly... And yes most ppl self-finance their publication and even sell them on their own one by one..