Actually, this is several questions I'm putting all under one post, lest I look like a space hog. Also, because they're related. #1. A friend asked me today about markets for romantic poetry (she writes it). I could only give her the names of a couple magazines to check out. Can anybody tell me where I might find a good long listing of print or online zines that accept romance poetry? #2. A visitor to my site asked me to add to my list of markets for short paranormal romance. I've only got a few down now, so if anyone can direct me to more short paranormal romance markets, I'd appreciate it. Actually, I'd love to find the romantic equivelant of a Ralan's or Spicy Green Iguana (a site with dozens or hundreds of market listings). Ok, maybe I just had two questions after all. Anyway, any tips would be appreciated. Thanks all.
I bought the writer's market 2009 because it has all that info. Plus I hate returning it to the library every month. If you do not feel like spending 29.99 just check it out at your local library. They also have Poets Market and Screen Writer's Market which go into more detail then the Writer's market does for that stuff. I am not saying it is necessary I just like to have it. It lists contest, agents, publishers and what they are currently excepting. Right now i just use it for the lists of contests. I find it useful because some of the magazines you can submit for are not here in my area. So I can submit my work all across the country.
Thanks guys. I've got Writers Market already and check Duotrope frequently, but I know there are a lot more smaller markets out there that don't always get picked up in those listings. If you think of anything else, please let me know. Thanks.