Hi. ...that good enough? ...sigh.... ok..... I'm just a hanger-on. I wanted to be a publishing author when I was little---wait. Reverse that. When I was little, I wanted to be a publishing author. Well, then I bumped into this really nasty monster--P L O T. And there went the career. I come up with characters, but plots tend to not happen. I did run into a very cool essay on experimental fiction on Writing-World.com recently, though, and...wow. So you can just write the exciting, fun parts of a book, skip the boring stuff, and say "I meant to do that"? umm......cool! So I guess that's what I do. I've written bits of science fiction, some original and some fanfic stuff. I've written fantasy (...right? Haven't I? umm... I'll get back to you), but my mainstream characters, who I also dearly love, tend to just stay in my head and not get written. Oh well. I'm also a grammar/proofreading witch who will do her best to keep her claws sheathed. uhmmmmm.....good enough. signed.
I used to be a writer, but then I took a dangling participle to the knee. Welcome to the site, Sileas! I hope you enjoy it here. We're a friendly lot, by and large.
I have no clue what PLOT is but it's always in my nightmares. Welcome! We love people without plots!!! Feel free to post on the boards. Cheers, Jeff
If I may... I once believed this monster would keep me out of the pen (corral?) forever, too. Then I discovered books on (yup!) writing plot. If I hadn't spent time as a screenwriter, I might never have discovered them (for some reason, no one ever gets down to the nitty-gritty of true plot building when they write about writing novels). Blake Snyder's Save the Cat! series Dwight V. Swain's Techniques of the Selling Writer Dramatica theory (I used to have a great link for this, but the server's down) All is not lost, Sileas. Take heart! You, too, can still be a writer... and be just as miserable as the rest of us.