Hey, this is a word association game. So. I'm going to write word. But instead of writing the first word that comes to mind, you're going to describe whatever mental images/scenes come to mind. If I write cotton candy, and you get a mental image of a clown dancing in his underwear at a rodeo, then tell us! Really go into detail. Don't just say, "I got a mental image of a dog." What kind of dog was it? Where was it? What was it doing? This game can get pretty fun, if you play it right, and you don't even have to know what the word means to write about your mental image. When you're done, come up with a new word. Here goes. The word is... Incinerator Have fun!
As the incineratorwent off the smell of burning flesh and hair could be smelt. The screams of burning children, men, and woman could be heard from a mile away. Birds...
Creeeeppyy... The flock of white birds fled from the tree and headed off into the sunset, their dark silhouettes the only visible objects in the sky as the sun slowly dropped down to the horizon. My mental image was of several white birds flying off into the sunset. New word Stealthy...
He stalked his prey stealthy. As he crossed the yellow grass. It was harvest season more people to kill more people to hunt. More blood then ever. It was harvest season and he was going to harvest first. New word Season...
The seasons changed relentlesly, solstice after solstice. The winters were harsh and unforgiving, the summers too strong to be able to enjoy its humidity. The fall and spring provided perfect balance. The spring's fresh flowers and light rain was cool on the skin, and the autumn's falling leaves and bitter winds soothed the mind. Wind...
The clouds overhead began to roll and twist rapidly. A tiny piece of one began to slowly uncurl, twisting down from the heavens. Hovering over the earth by a few feet, it began to turn, until it finally touched solid ground and connected itself. In a matter of seconds, the earth it had touched was pulled up into the swirling mass. The powerful winds tugged and pulled at a cluster of trees, threatening to uproot them. Chasm...
The chasm let through a red glow that pulled foolish creatures into it. The chasm didn't change or grow, it remained there, hidden except for its light red glow. Glow.
Quick note: The paragraph you write describing the scene/picture doesn't have to contain the word it was based off of. Also, the word you chose does not have to be related to the previous one, but it can be. Also, I just realized something. Some of these paragraphs could be great story starters!
Thanks for the heads up. Even if they don't have to be related, it's easier for me that way 'cause I don't have to think Yeah, they would be great story starters. -points to your signature- I totally agree with you. I'd have so much hate mail...
I'm just going to use Glow. He saw it up ahead. Something was glowing up ahead. What could this glowing orb be. He followed it and father it got. Like trying to catch a rainbow. And then he fell the light had led him to quicksand. Fear...
Cool. Fear tore away at his insides as he took another step forward. Memories flashed into his mind. He looked down and realized that his hands were trembling, and balled them into fists to stop them. He took another step forward. A sudden wave of dizziness and heat swept over him, causing him to sink down to the floor. Gulping down the lump in his throat, he shook his head. I can't do this, he thought. I can't do this. His heart pounded. His ears roared. His stomach heaved. This one's a little silly, but... Cheese...
"It looks so delicious!", the little mice thought. Scurrying out of his hole, he approached little crumble abandoned on the floor. He munched on it happily, cleaning his whiskers afterwards. "Truly delicious!", he thought before being pounced by the cat. "Truly delicious!", though the cat. Next word: Rainbow
That's great. Another note: If you want to write one from a previous word, you can. "Son," Jon said, shaking the boy by his shoulders. "Son, speak to me!" The boy slowly fixed his gaze upon Jon. His expression was blank and dreamy, his eyes empty and emotionless. "What do you see, boy?" Jon asked, shaking the boy again. "I see a rainbow! I see pretty colors!" Jon rolled his eyes, sighing. This was going to be a long night. Candle...
The candle burned its flame brighten the dark room. Amber color bouncing off the dark walls. Wax like a man's sweat dripped down the wax stick of the candle. And then when Bishop Hartman sat down. All went wrong. The candle fell putting his robe on fire. No one heard from Bishop Hartman again. King...
"So is this a King-sized bed, or a Queen?" The man asked. "Well, it'd be Queen if I stopped putting my Quothes on it..." Glowing
I think everyone should respond to the latest word only, with the possible exception of two people responding at the same time. The glowing sparkle in the corner expanded into a bright, whirling vortex. Though it was past midnight, Murdoch saw a sunlit green slope tilted at a dizzying angle beyond the eye of the maelstrom. He grabbed his pack, took a deep breath, and plunged headlong into the light. New word: Dust
"This place is old," the little girl complained as she sneezed repeatedly. "Quit sneezing! It's only until we find another place." "I'm allergic to all this dust!" she said with another sneeze. "Look! it's all over the place! Can't we go home?" Snow...
Snow a glistening beautiful thing. Like a frozen heart with no soul snow is white and unpure. The Satan's powder. The powder that freezes a man souls and they warm up in hell. Snow is white to symbolize much more then what you think. Glisten...
The morning sun dancing over a field of frozen snow. Like a zillion bug photographers taking pictures of the new dawn. germs
Shr grimaced, and, holding her nose, dropped the peach into the trash can. A fresh patch of pale green mold had spread over the surface, making the rotting fruit seem even more disgusting. Soda can.
Barry's girlfriend had dumped him, again. Walking down the street, he kicked a random can, which hit a lamppost and then hit Barry in the head. Next word: Pink
Kiro hauled himself painfully out of the wrecked lifepod, and squinted at the bright pink cloudless sky. The emergency supplies, food, water, and medicines, had beed destroed when the landing motor ruptured. His only hope was to survive off the land. The early scans had suggested the possibility of carbon-based life, but all he could see was dust and gravel. First, he would need water. Next word: Aquatic
Submerged deep into the blue she came upon a castle made of coral. It had beautiful hues of purple, blue, and turquoise. She entered the castle, and immediately seen a grand staircase made of gold. As she swam onward there was a faint sound of music and as she continued it got louder and louder. Next word: incognito
A trio of fools trying desperately not to be seen by their fourth companion as they follow him on his date. They wish to ensure the date is a success, however their actions to ensure this ultimately result in their companion being dumped. Next Word: Cavern
Cavern. (My language says cave (google translate)) Wild and restless men. They've waited for so long before finally hunting some big flesh. The family stays behind, of course, for their safety. There is a small greeting before the men run next to each other over the hills filled with grass. The woman writes with clay on the walls to teach their kids what life is. Next word: fairy