
Discussion in 'Word Mechanics' started by waitingforzion, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Atari

    Atari Active Member

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Zion, it seems to me a bit like you are "phishing" for certain responses, so here is the response I suspect you wanted, but which also is true:

    Yes. Even the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as modern as the writing is, contains plenty of specific wording that creates a feeling, mostly humor. I do not think anyone would say that brevity is chief of all writing concepts.
    Anyone worth his salt as a writer should know when to be concise, when to ramble, when to be poetic, and when to be blunt; or at least he should know that all of these can coexist among different stories, or even within the same.

    Do you ask because you are writing in a certain style, and you want to be reassured that your perhaps atypical brand of writing is not necessarily the "wrong" way to write?

    Incidentally, I am enjoying all of your poetic posts, and nothing in them seems immediately poor.
    Naturally, some of the other members will disagree, but considering the spontaneity of your posts, I would say that you are doing excellently, although there perhaps is a certain meloncholy in the particular rhythm, though I could be projecting my own sleepy state upon it.

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