You want to brag about your little people, or share their cutenesses? Here is the place to do it. If you are having trouble and want to ask other mommies for advice or help?? Ask here. My little man is 4 and is a sweet lovey little guy. Likes to give hugs and kisses. I can't get him to go potty though. Any suggestion?
At the daycare where I worked, we set the kids on the toilet at a certain time every day, whether they had to go or not. We told them that they had to at least try. When they did pee, of course lots of praise. And at this point, might be a good idea to get rid of the pull-ups/diapers all together. That way, he'll know that it's either in the toilet, or get wet. Does he want to be a baby, or does he just not want to go to the toilet? If all the wants is to not go to the toilet, pointing out that only babies wear diapers can motivate some kids. When you first start teaching a new skill or behaviour, it's always good to go big on the rewards, even if it's just praise. I had a girl who refused to stay please, and when she said it for the first few times on her own, I acted like it was the most exciting thing in the world. After that, no problem.
Yeah, I am his nunmber one cheer leader. I get all excited when he does good things. I took away his diapers all together for almost two week. He went to the potty maybe 2 or 3 times. He was wetting about 6 or 7 pairs of pants a day. One day he would try, the next he wouldn't. We were both getting stressed a bit, so I backed off, and comprimised, giving him pullups. If it got to be too big of a deal, I knew I would scare him off of it. I was giving him stickers everytime he sat on the potty, that he could cash in for a special toy, that he got to go and pick out. Right now he will sometimes go in there after he goes. He has made it a couple times, before he goes. Once it gets nice out and we are outside most of the day, pullups are completely gone and we won't be going back at all. I tell him that if he goes potty, he can goto school and have learning and make friends. He KNOWS too, because he tells me that everytime we go past a school. He is one of those kids that just all of a sudden starts to do something. It just frustrates me because I know he knows and understands, and is jsut not doing it.
Becca here is something that worked on the ward I was assigned to when in training. watch each individual for a week. mark down the time within a few minutes of them wetting. after the week see if there is a pattern. then make sure he is on the toilet a bit before the time. say a minute or two. if he goes then praise him if he doesn't go within 5 min. just ho hum it no big deal. when my two were being trained and much before. I would put them on the toilet and put a pile of books. magazines story books even fliers from the mail. when the clothes hamper top was empty they came off the toilet. I never used potty chairs as I to put myself through college worked at a nursing home and got fed up with emptying bed pans and comodes. When the boys were done they got to flush the toilet and that was the only time it was allowed. little ones love to flush the toilet and watch the water so it was quite the incentive.
I used to have pottys around the house ready to whip one under the kid, sorry that sounds disgusting but it was only for about a month. I kept potty training for the summer so they were wearing less clothes, sometimes they were just in a long t-shirt in the garden or on the balcony. Pull-up style diapers were great for when we were on outings, although they came on the scene too late for my first 2 kids. Don't put diapers back on them after they've started to get the hang of it or they regress!
Four and not potty trained!? That sounds old but I've heard boys take longer to potty train than girls. It only took a day to potty train my daughter Pearl, she must have been about 18 months old, and she's only ever had a couple accidents. I must have been lucky. My mom always said to just take the diaper off and let them run around in the backyard Eventually they will get sick of peeing on themselves and use the toilet, but maybe not.
my little ones are 30 and 28. both now married but the oldest has given me 3 grandchildren. love seeing pictures of little ones. and I sure miss having them around. so I agree more pictures people.
My son did something really cute and funny a few weeks ago. We went out to eat, to the East of Chicago buffet. (Pizza buffet) Anyway, when we were done eating we put his coat on him and let him go, because he usually runs right to the door (which is too heavy for him to open). Instead of running to the door, he decided to do hot laps through the tables, yelling, "Look at me! Look at me!" My husband and I were laughing, all the other people in the place thought we had gone crazy. He didn't hurt anything, and he was having fun.
Becca, don't stress too much over it, all children potty train at their own time. My son wasn't fully trained till he was four and it took him going to kindergarten to fully train. My daughter is 3, 4 in September, and she is a nightmare to toilet train. I have known other children who haven't been toilet/potty trained till the age of 5/6. Some children just aren't ready when we want them to be. All you can do is be persistent. Take him every 15-30 minutes possibly. Don't stress over it though, and don't get grumpy at him when he doesn't quite make it, etc, it is a long process and he will get there when he is ready and with you being persistant as well. And using pull-ups when you go out might be a good idea, but around home, try not to as you will find when they are in a pull-up/nappy, they will be lazy and do it in there anyway. (i learnt that with my daughter...)