The most terrible book for me is "Survivor Type" by Stephen King. Brrrrr, even dont want to describe. Which book is most terrible for you?
IDK, I seem to be proven wrong the deeper down the rabbit hole I go. So, it will take a while before I find the most terrible, since there seems that someone is always there to prove me wrong every step of the way.
The Duplicated Man by James Blish (incidentally a writer for Star Trek back in the day). I don't really remember what was so bad about it, but my friend and I had both acquired it somehow, probably in boxes of books and comics the older neighborhood kids donated to us when they went off to college or the armed forces (happened several times, I got some nice collections started that way) and we both decided it was total garbage, only having read a few pages in.
I'll not name it, but once I wrote a review of a book that wasn't very flattering - which the author read and then sent me a rather petty, angry email in response. As a reviewer I don't go out of my way to insult people, actually most of the reviews I've written for my magazine have been pretty positive, but when an author has a response like that I can't help but enjoy it.
That's interesting. I'm a King fan, but haven't read that one. He has definitely produced a few that have been a little dire - Durma Key and Lisle's story come to mind. And another I can't remember the name of about three guys that go hunting once a year in the forest. Guess he's allowed a few mistakes. And I guess you always will be Cave Troll Naughty Lord Lennox! I don't know the most terrible book, having tried to avoid terrible books all of my life. But the most widely-read terrible book has got to be Fifty shades... hasn't it?
The Fowl Twins - children's book by Eoin Colfer which is the follow up to Artemis Fowl, the latter being made into a movie. Strangely enough, I bet it will make an amazing film, but I actually find books on Psychology and Transactional Analysis easier to read! Seriously it is like reading a Black and Decker technical manual. Sorry, just my opinion.
If we're talking classic lit, then the Scarlet Letter. If we're talking books written nowadays, I never made it past the first page of one of James Franco's books. Rich white boy whining to its fullest.
It's this, right here. There's a scene early on where the MC realizes that his poo and pee keep disappearing from his spaceship prison cell, so he makes the assumption that since poo and pee are dead* the floor must be allowing dead material to pass through it at certain intervals. And this - ladies and germs - becomes his escape plan! He thinks himself into a dead state (yes, you read correctly, and no other explanation is forthcoming from either me or the author) and manages to pass through the floor of his cell... as poo. It's all downhill from there. *Human poo is actually mostly alive when it's fresh. 30-50% of the bulk material is live intestinal flora.
^ Maybe it's like the portal in Terminator, the dead stuff needs to be surrounded by living tissue (or flora). Sounds like an amazing piece of crap!
It's the absolute pits, man. And what isn't just plain bad writing is scathingly sexist crap. Amongst the menagerie of other prisoners of the Demu, he manages to save this alien women whose alienness is described in terms of a Barbieâ„¢ doll. She's what a person would be if a Barbie came to actual life as a full-sized person, but all her doll proportions remaining exactly as is. (shudder)
This is great news, there is hope for me. I'll never feel bad for writing something horrible ever again!
This is a Ukrainian woman known as the Human Barbie Doll. Lots of plastic surgery and probably body dysmorphia. Spoiler: Gaze upon her if you dare...
Not as scary as the lady that went full vampire and got dermal implants and stuff. (Look it up at your own risk).
Cymbeline by the Bard himself is pretty damn bad ... its a lesser known play for a reason (my then girlfriend read it for A level English and i suffered along with her), also Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas Hardy, a book in which absolutely jack all happens. More recently Cell by Steven King sucked mightily as did Sycamore Row by John Grisham for the same reason... I have a great idea for a book but no decent ending, but hell I'm famous so I'll just nail any old shit on to it and hope no one notices
Mortal Dictata by Karen Traviss. Traviss is known for derailing fan fiction established series like some of the Star Wars ones, but she caused irrecoverable damage to the Halo extended universe when she wrote a character and established universe destroying trilogy in the mix that literally another 12 books in the series has been trying to recover from. Mortal Dictata is the worst of them by far, with not only her garbage writing style, but also just completely nonsensical plot. She also manages to take a character previously designed to have almost no empathy or emotional understanding due to fifty years of warfare and mental/physical enhancements and turn her into basically a mewling five-year old whining about her father with whom she would have never met. That book almost derailed me from reading the entire series it was so bad. Half of the events in it were even dumped from the series canon. Trash.
I was actually led to these forums / this website by likely the worst book I know about. Empress Theresa. I am subscribed to a youtube channel that investigates internet persona and phenomena; one video was about this particular book.
I read that book too, got ripped off when I found out that the entire book was posted on the wikifan page for free. Though I did enjoy finding out that Norm P. was absolutely on some weird insanity.
Yeah, I think they read like a handful of chapters from the beginning, but the midpoint to the end is even more over the top.