Hello guys, looking for someone who has a good knowledge of the city of San Francisco, society, culture, history, fashion and trends of the eighties and also of nowadays. Part of my next novel is going to be set in the streets of San Francisco. I myself lived there for a few months in 1992, and went again for a trip in 1999 and want to build the story with some of my own memories and thoughts... the problem is it's been a long time now, and many memories have faded. Plus, some of the things I'm willing to put into the novel may be not up-to-date for a present-based story. What I need is someone who can answer a few questions and solve my doubts when I have one. I can't give you anything in return, just your name in the credits, or help on Rome/Italy/Italian If any of you guys can help me out, I'll be really grateful. Beth
Really? I looked for it but didn't find a proper place to post. Moderators please move my thread to the right section.
oops. :redface: I wasn't paying close attention. Trying to keep up with the mod load. Scusilo, per favore.