hello guys, i'm new here... i'm an artist and at the same time, has a passion for writing.. and i write a thread to know some reminders and advice regarding about my main character. the title that i'm thinking of was "Espher". so here it is. Euan Espher(his first name was pronounced as Yoo - an) Euan resembles an asian looking guy with a unique dark brightly red eyes and black tousled hair with few strands of dimly lit brown. his lips and nose was perfectly carved which matches the complexity of his pale skin. Euan is an energetic, fun, childish and strong 17 yr old who happened to be a bounty hunter as a part of his training to become the future head of the rebellion against the family kingdom of "Dooms". Euan was rumored to be one of the last Espher existed in his generation. the Esphers are the greatest leaders of the past who's gifted with extra ordinary power, they fought their way back to the Dooms but lost everything when they were betrayed by one of the family members. every steps seems to go well until his mentor named Callisto(who's almost like a father to him) died, leaving the responsibilty to his unconscious daughter to Euan. Euan turned cold, speechless and restless to people around him. he seeks revenge towards the kingdom. Before Callisto died who suddenly realized that Euan was on a right age, he told him to find the man with a red suit called "The Red chaser", which happened to be a historian and knows everything about the location of other Esphers. from that, he'll reunite his other cousins and take back every single thing from the Dooms. Euan will find a girl named "Teara Blisley" who's a singer from the pub, and at the same time has a great ambition to be admitted to "Doomean Academy of Music" which believed to be the home of famous singers. Teara's role was to bring back the the lost good side of Euan and promote peace and harmony throughout the kingdom with her angelic golden voice.
Err - is there a question in here? Sounds all interesting (If a little cliched) but wont know until its written I guess...
it may or may not a cliche.... i'm gonna work on with the settings... well anyway... i guess i'll post some part of my first chapter....
Er, Max... this is not the right way to use this forum. You need to read the RULES, which state that you can only post pieces for critique in the critique section, and then only after you have fulfilled the minimum requirements for submission. This thread will probably be deleted...
oops sorry, to tell you the truth, i just want some advice.... and from that advice, i can formulate some questions that may pop up right above the clouds of my head... i deleted some parts of my last post though
I think Callisto is a female name. Apart from that, there's not much people can say about a plot synopsis... if it works or not depends on how you write it. Write something that shows why your world/premise is fascinating, deep and original, and people will have something to say about it.
Hi maxi, Euan can be visualized generally, but only generally. The colour of his eyes/hair, and skin only give so much for the imagination to work with, such that my visualization of Euan would be completely different from another. Depending on how you write, general descriptions may work just fine, but adding a few more factors, such as weight, height, and complexity would help quite a bit. Now this does NOT mean you should write: "Euan was 140 pounds, and 6 feet tall." Rather, find a way to naturally introduce such characteristics. Also, keep in mind that an "Asian" person has many many variations (contrary to popular belief, they don't all look the same). Japanese/Korean people look much different than Indian people, who look much different than the East-Russian people, etc, etc. If you want the reader to have a better visualization, it could help to pinpoint this. In addition, your original statement of "dark brightly red eyes" kind of contradicts itself. His eyes are dark, but bright? Good luck!
"dark brightly red eyes" check... i'm imagining it as dark and yet bright.... maybe this 2 characteristics may show in day and night... and regarding about his race, i'd say that asian people has mixed races. so it's sometimes hard to distinguish what races are. perhaps, maybe i should have told the size of his eyes. and his body build up