Your favorite line form a piece of your writing I thought it'd be interesting to share your favorite lines from any piece of your work (be aware of the forum rules). Your line can just be areally good line in your eyes, or it can be an excerpt that provides a summary of your work, but it has to be a verbatim excerpt. Post the Title of the piece and the excerpt (and where to find it on the site, if you choose). Here's mine: Meeting Someone New Dale turned away from the window, "Again, I ask you, do you love me, or do you love your boyfriend Dale. I'm not your boyfriend." (Novels)
Two Bullets Left Short Story, Science Fiction. She throws her head back, squeezes the trigger, and the gun, her scream, and the fire become an explosion which is beautiful.
I'll just choose something from my latest piece... The Fairground Attraction (and no, it has nothing to do with the band!) Flash fiction, not posted here. "Breathing in his scent, the papyrus drifts and curls on waves of heat as it floats to the floor, and for just that moment she becomes a butterfly."
From my novel, "Life In Detail" "Jonathon cried his tears inwardly...he just couldn't morn his own self destruction."
Whenever I'm asked what my favorite of something is, I pick something recent. This is no exception- a snatch of dialogue from my entry in the Survival Scenario contest.