1. BarlowEnter

    BarlowEnter Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Q:4 option for Earth's rapid advancement: Dinosaur/Robot/Alien/Other

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by BarlowEnter, Sep 8, 2013.

    If human found a scientific crack, a secret code that can only be used once, making us go through a lovecraftian evil tunnel and escape from logic and physics, and gain incredible advancement all related to a specific 'theme.' which one would you choose?

    If there are three routes to go for for our technological advancement, you can only choose one route, which one would you choose?

    1) Dinosaur: Human gain reptilian regeneration, dinosaur meat production, +genetic engineering & reviving extinct species. Cons: Will have to find a practical method to raise dinosaur for meat production.

    2) Robot: Artificial Intelligent, robot servant, robotic limbs. Cons: the diminishing of the working class.

    3) Alien: Alien technology, advancement in space travel. Cons: Possibility of war with the aliens.

    4) Name one, it has to be in a theme.

    Things that can be associate as pros and cons in those options should still be included in your decision, even though I missed them.
  2. EllBeEss

    EllBeEss Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Damn it. All that time I spent learning physics and now I have to relearn it?

    I'd have to pick dinosaur because who doesn't want a pet T-Rex? Seriously though it would provide another food source, allow us to bring back extinct species and hey if the world ever got overpopulated we could just let the dinos out. Also compared to the cons of teh other two coming up with a sustainable and practical way to raise dinosaurs seems easier.
  3. BarlowEnter

    BarlowEnter Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Using T-Rex as war elephants would be more plausible then to keep them as pets. You either would have to be using your regenerative cells a lot in order to survive getting taken by chunks from them or create a space like the Jurassic park for them. The main issue with keeping them as real pets, to me at least, would be that their brain are too small to grasp the concept, unlike dogs. Just think about how we kept birds as pets: in a cage, or else they'd fly away.

    But there's also pigeon which are trained to deliver messages, so I'd be interested to see if we can train dinosaur to perform this kind of task.:rolleyes:
  4. EllBeEss

    EllBeEss Senior Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    I get that their brain would be too small and everything but still, they'd make a really good guard dog.

    One of the little herbivore ones might work.

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