Spelling, punctuation, and grammar is my weakness. Spelling is easy to fix. Check any word I am not sure of. Grammar and punctuation is the tough one. I is in great need of a refresher course.(jk) I was not interested in writing in school, grammar and punctuation was not a priority then. Can anyone recomend a sight to refer too, or study on to remind me of the "useless" information I stuck away in high school? yes, I learned it to pass the test, then stuffed it into some recess of my mind.
I first started writing fiction properly a year ago. I had been ten years since I had written much of anything. My punctuation is my big downfall - grammar is alright and spelling is reasonable. I bought a punctuation guide and have been reading it, doing grammar tests online etc It is improving a lot still not great but if it improves as much over next year as it has this one then I should be quite good by next Christmas. Like everything else it is just practice.
I don't know about any websites, but there is a great book available called The Elements of Style, by Howard Strunk and E.B. White. It is very thin and covers all the topics you mentioned in simple terms and with good examples. I would not be without it.
I am learning, I am doing better. Use of proper punctuation isn't needed very often in my work. Mostly bullet statements, quotes and describing what was done briefly. If you don't use it, you will lose it, even easier when the only reason you learned it was to pass a class, figuring you'd never need it in the future. Elements of style. Thanks will look into it.
http://www.bartleby.com/141/ Is this the whole book online? Why buy a book, if its offered online for free?(The bane of a professional author) That said, I tend to use online resources better then books. My books seem to get lost, links are easy to find. If all else fails, google it.