Hello, I do apologise first of all for always asking questions on here but I can't seem to find the answers using any search engines so I rely on your knowledge, which so far has served me well, so thank you Anyway, the question this time, characters from mythology/folklore (for example. Greek gods, Norse gods, Robin Hood), are the characters that are already existant able to be written about by anyone? eg. a drama series about Norse Gods, could just anybody write one? I realise the question is not best phrased so apologies once again. Thank you for any help.
They can and they are. Robin Hood in particular may fall into a different catagory, maybe, but I doubt very much that anyone holds the reins on Zues and his ilk.
Write away. A lot of mythological figures are being woven into many of the paranormal/fantasy novels coming out now.
Real world gods aren't copyrighted, so far as I know (and if they are, I'd like to know who has authority over the gods). And the chances of them smiting you for improper portrayals are as likely as winning the lottery with the numbers from Lost a dozen times. So, if you like those odds, feel free. I for one am going to turn God--you know, THE God?--into a physical character making a physical appearance. He has a body and everything! As for Robin Hood and such... I don't know. I dare not say anything for fear of misleading you or anyone else. Folklore characters and entities once claimed to be real are probably two different things.
HAHA, FMK God in an actual human body, reminds me of the old movies "Oh God" LOL Anyway, many writers use mythological creatures in their writing. I for one am using a few mythological demons and archangels within the novel I'm writing. If someone actually can copyright a God or Demi-God it'd be hard pressed to do.
The TVTropes page for Public Domain Character may be of use to you. Most of their Public Domain _______ pages are big lists of everyone and everything and everywhere that others are allowed to use.
Write away as others have said, but make sure you do your research first ! Mythology isn't exempt from anally-retarded people complaining at you for having got it 'wrong'. :/ But of course feel free to play with them too I'm using a few Celtic deities myself. Robin Hood is like King Arthur, I see no reason why just anyone can't use him. But he is associated with a particular time period so again, if that's when your story's set, do your research.
Well put! And even if there is copyright, that would only be a problem if you want to publish, I mean, look at all the fanfiction there is around. I do know there is one writer who re-wrote all the nursery stories, such as cinderella and the big bad wolf into gruwesome tales, so I'm not sure if they have copyright.. But I wouldn't be able to say something with 100% certainty. Good luck with it! and have fun writing! If copy-right gives you trouble, you can also write for fun instead of publishing it.
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas cannot be copyrighted."
at last, mortals choose again to honor the gods mortal, you have chosen wisely, we will not only thank you greatly but shall give ye many blessings and tithes if ye should so choose to worship us again...yea all kidding aside as the others mentioned mythology is public domain; there are no copyright infringements for portrayals of gods, demigods, or heroes of folklore or legend now get ye your quill scribe and may the muse of epic poems inspire your next ere tale of epic...epicness!