He is a seventeen year old Prince, is constantly in trouble and fights a lot. His reputation is as a lazy layabout. I need something catchy that the media call him. I have tried Angus the Barbarian, Prince Feckless, Prince Lout, Angus Lard Arse. None of them are quite right and Angus the Barbarian is cheesy but maybe it should be cheesy?
Are you looking for something funny or witty or what. Do the media respect him for this or consider him a thug.
These days? His name is Angus? With an Anglo-Saxon (or is it Scottish?) name he'd be likely to be British--although that is not a 'royal' type of name--so, given the exquisite lack of wit of the British gutter press, it would be something like: Prince Angry/HRH Agro If he was always fighting and Prince Angabout If you focussed on the laziness. If these make no sense, you aren't British, I guess. A media name doesn't stick unless it's simple, and the most successful are puns on the name, like 'the Duchess of Pork' or bitchy things like 'Princess Pushy'. Until now there hasn't been an insulting name given regularly to princes of the realm that I can remember.
Why not some reference to a lazy animal like a cat who sleeps all the time. Media call him Prince Tab (tabby cat) as he is always howling about something, getting into scuffles, destroying the furniture and when he isn't he is a lazy thing. Prince Tab is my suggestion.
lol I like Prince Angabout Its fantasy story set on a different planet. It just needs to be headline grabbing and no the media don't like him at all
It would most likely be a scornful play on his name, rather than something that simply comments accurately on his behavior but doesn't associate directly to his name; something like Prince Hangnuts.
I don't think that is any more or less likely to be the case. I can think of plenty of sportspeople who have nicknames that are not a play on their name and more about a physical feature or behavior.
lol Prince Hangnuts is good too Angus/Aonghus is Irish - so it does have connections to Irish Royalty. There was also a Pictish King. Angus was the Irish god of Love and Youth. But my names have not come from any one tradition His Sister is Evelyn and his brother is Socrates later becomes Jacob
Exactly Goldenballs = David Beckham (soccer), The Brat = John McEnroe (tennis), The Raging Potato = Keith Wood (rugby), The Answer = Tyrell Owens (American Football). Of course its very common too to have a nickname that is a play on your real name too.