My story is about two opposing psychic organizations: one that believe psychics are destined to end the world, and one that believes psychics have to be protected from the first one. I still need help with the names, however. I've been pondering the cover name for the second one. SCRY: Society Counseling a Remarkable Youth. But it still needs a real name, and so does the other one. I love meaningful ones, and if I could have both names SCRY (SCRY vs. SCRY) I so would. But not many words start with Y.
i'd say ditch the 'a' in the first, if more than one is being counseled... but 'society counseling' doesn't make any sense... what do you mean by a 'real' name for both?... and why the narrow term 'scry' when psychics use so many other means to predict the future, most needing no fancy paraphernalia at all? why not 'SEERS' vs. 'SSEERS'?... as in 'seers' whatever... and the anti-group's beginning with 'stop seers'... Seers Ending Earth's Repressive Reign [or whatever]?
Is it supposed to read SCARY? It sounds a bit like a children's story...I definitely think you need to rename it.
Tamsin: "scry" refers to what a gypsy does when she peers into a crystal ball, for example. It's a verb that references this ability. J: I agree, take out "a" in the first name. And scry vs scry would be a bit silly IMO. Something like maia suggested, SCRY vs SEER, would be far better. I think it should be mentioned that having clever acronyms will add a slightly more amusing touch to the overall story, so may want to consider your intention before going forward. What do you mean about "real name"? Perhaps further context and clarification would be helpful. Best luck
Well, the organization is undercover as a gifted student program, hence my cover name. But it also does need a real name to be used in exchange between people who know what goes on there.