No idea if this ... er ... idea will catch on, but I will start it off and if it dies, it dies. Taking inspiration from the following "article": I propose a new thread - called, "Never reboil water". The premise is you come up with something that should / should never be done due to reason X (typically health and safety but meh whatever) based on arguments supported by source(s) A (and B, etc). If you can wing a self-referential source quotation as the quoted article has, more power to you. But that takes more work than necessary with the plethora of material available online. It's a bit of fun, I hope. Ironically, this was my 666th post.
Never breathe someone else's breath. You should only ever kiss someone holding your breath. NEVER! under -any- circumstances breathe the breath of someone else. When you exhale, much of the oxygen has been consumed by your body, and you breathe out Carbon Dioxide (CO2). But that's not all! Human breath contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds consist of methanol, isoprene, acetone, ethanol and other alcohols. The exhaled mixture also contains ketones, water and other hydrocarbons. (Source: Carbon Dioxide is colourless, odorless, tasteless ... AND DEADLY. As the concentration of carbon dioxide increases, people start to experience carbon dioxide intoxication, which may progress to carbon dioxide poisoning and sometimes death. Elevated blood and tissue levels of carbon dioxide are termed hypercapnia and hypercarbia. (Source:…/medicalhealth/a/Carbon-Dioxide…) Remember: when kissing another person on the mouth, always ensure you hold your breath, and avoid breathing in their exhaled air. You're welcome.
You should never disembowel yourself. According to Wikipedia: "If a living creature is disemboweled, it is invariably fatal without major medical intervention... If the intestinal tract alone is removed, death follows after several hours of gruesome pain." Instead of disemboweling yourself after a hard day at work, you could try a nice relaxing walk on the beach. Remember: nice relaxing walk on the beach > several hours of gruesome pain, followed by death.
Never punch a bear in the face. Don't go to a male African lion and attempt to hug it thinking it's Simba.
When attempting to take your own life, do not take a bowl of cherries instead. (Life is not a bowl of cherries).
I can see you intended this as a joke, but lest anyone believe this, I cannot resist the urge to remind people this is tripe. Carry on.
You don't tug on superman's cape You don't spit into the wind You don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger And you don't mess around with Jim Jim Croce
OKAY this is a ligitimate phobia of mine. I've always made sure when sleeping with people, to sleep facing the opposite of the other person's face at all times because I'm terrified that I'll die in my sleep due to inhaling too much of their CO2.
Never use an electric fan unless a window is cracked, because leaving a fan on in an enclosed room can be fatal. Never sit on a seat recently warmed by someone else’s behind or it will give you hemorrhoids. Don't linger too long in front of the fridge, it can cause cancer. Don't wear red when it’s stormy out, it attracts lightning.
Don't look into the microwave, or you'll end up blind like the people who enjoy too much touching themselves.
Never spend too long on this forum. You'll become narcissistic, pompous, and confrontational. Unless you're like me. I'm perfect, and I've read more books than you. Wait . . .
No, it is actually highly inadvisable to reboil water. The article does not mention this, but reboiled water contains large amounts of dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO). People have died of hyponatremia from consuming DHMO.
It's used in cleaning products, industrial waste, and solvents. It's also used in the production of many plastics, metals, even pesticides, and also used as an industrial coolant.
Yeah. Here's a good article about it, and how the hoax got started. A lesson to learn, for all the Chicken Little clones who go running in all directions in panic because of something they read on the internet, or they see featured on Facebook. (I've got a friend who does this a lot ...I think maybe because she's old school and thinks that nobody would print something if it's not true!) Every school should offer "Use Your Noodle When You're On The Internet" classes. Some actually do.
If you get struck by lightning, stay exactly where you are, be it next to a tree, under a large piece of sheet metal, the brecon beacons, or teetering on the end of a lightning rod conductor. As we know, lightning never strikes the same place twice, so if you've been hit once, stay perfectly still. You'll be safe
Never shout "Theater!" in a crowded fire. Never call out to greet your buddy Jack on a cross-country flight. Never swim near Navy Seals at a North Carolina beach.