just introducing myself. I am Katina from London and looking forward to meeting and chatting to all or some of few.
hi there well that makes the two of us haha !! let's see what happens it is always daunting the first time right have you had time to look around @
Yeah, I spent the first day just looking round. It is daunting, but I'm sure we'll both fit right in eventually. What kinds of things do you write/intend to write? I'm working on a romance/intrigue novel atm.
hi Linz I am into poetry I am not good at writing long paragraphs it is terrible but yeah that what it is. how many have you written so far?
Nothing wrong with writing poetry! It's just a different type of writing talent. In fact, it was poetry - something I could read fairly quickly and easily - that helped me stick with reading War and Peace - reading that, I needed something else to help me feel like I was achieving something. I'm not that good at writing poetry, although I've written a couple when I was much younger. As for me, in my lifetime, I've written 2 novels, currently writing my third, but my new one makes my other 2 look haphazard and childish/amateurish.
Haha, they're rubbish, really. I hoped I could rework the 2nd one, The Other Side (of the story), but they've merged into one in the box file they're in, so I'd have to go through them but the first, was embarrassingly entitled On Peregrine's Wings - it's not even about a Peregrine - I was just fascinated by them when I came up with the title. The one I'm writing now is loosely based on the same characters, but they've completely changed - personalities, jobs, homes - the lot.
do you I ever knew what Peregrine is in fact never heard of it before so glad i know a new word now It sounds good I look forward to hear what you do with the one you are writing